By Bill Palmer | Oct 3, 2019

Donald Trump isn’t even trying to hide it anymore

By Bill Palmer | Oct 3, 2019

Nickelback just got its revenge on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 3, 2019

Donald Trump launches berserk attack on Greta Thunberg as his whole world collapses

By Bill Palmer | Oct 3, 2019

Mitch McConnell just threw Donald Trump under the bus – again

By Shirley Kennedy | Oct 3, 2019

One of Donald Trump’s all-time dumbest ideas may have been a result of misunderstanding a joke that President Obama told

By Bill Palmer | Oct 3, 2019

We told you three-quarters of the Trump-Ukraine phone call summary was missing

By Bill Palmer | Oct 3, 2019

The Trump-Rudy house of cards has collapsed

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2019

The Mike Pence resignation deal

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2019

Turns out the Trump whistleblower investigation has a whole other level to it

By Cheryl Kelley | Oct 2, 2019

Federal judge hands Donald Trump major blow in his whistleblower scandal

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2019

Mike Pence is going down too

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2019

Rick Perry just caved in the Trump whistleblower scandal

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2019

Rudy Giuliani just confessed that he was behind the fake State Department Inspector General documents

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2019

House Republican throws Donald Trump under the bus in whistleblower scandal

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2019


By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2019

Donald Trump just doesn’t get it

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2019

Buckle up, it’s about to get even uglier

By TR Kenneth | Oct 2, 2019

Donald Trump just dragged Nickelback into his downfall

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2019

Wait, WHAT happened in the State Department Inspector General briefing?

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2019

Rudy Giuliani wants revenge

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2019

The State Department Inspector General just took a blowtorch to Mike Pompeo [updated]

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2019

Now we know why Adam Schiff knew right where to look

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2019

Donald Trump has psychotic meltdown during press conference with President of Finland

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2019

Donald Trump’s bottomless vindictiveness is spiraling out of control

By Robert Harrington | Oct 2, 2019

Donald Trump’s stunt against Andrew McCabe just blew up in his face

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2019

Everyone piles on after Donald Trump goes berserk and tweets “BULLSHIT”

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2019

Nancy Pelosi just baited Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2019

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