Is that it for Mick Mulvaney?

By Bill Palmer | Oct 14, 2019

Donald Trump just had his Waterloo

By Bill Palmer | Oct 14, 2019

Rudy Giuliani’s associate sells him out to the House impeachment inquiry

By Bill Palmer | Oct 14, 2019

Trey Gowdy is out

By Bill Palmer | Oct 14, 2019

Donald Trump just got hit with some really bad news

By Bill Palmer | Oct 14, 2019

Lindsey Graham goes running to Nancy Pelosi for help

By Bill Palmer | Oct 14, 2019

Backlash erupts after Trump resort airs deranged video depicting Donald Trump murdering Democratic leaders

By Bill Palmer | Oct 14, 2019

Donald Trump’s evangelicals cross the line

By Robert Harrington | Oct 14, 2019

Fiona Hill testifies against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 14, 2019

Donald Trump just lost H.R. McMaster

By Bill Palmer | Oct 14, 2019

Donald Trump’s pay-to-play scheme goes off the rails

By Shirley Kennedy | Oct 14, 2019

Donald Trump’s tweet comparing himself to a serial killer goes off the rails

By Bill Palmer | Oct 14, 2019

Nancy Pelosi slam dunks idiot who made up fake scandal about her

By Bill Palmer | Oct 13, 2019

Ted Cruz just tipped off something about where Donald Trump’s impeachment is headed

By Bill Palmer | Oct 13, 2019

Mike Pompeo throws up his hands

By Bill Palmer | Oct 13, 2019

Democratic Congressman agrees that Donald Trump is going prison

By Bill Palmer | Oct 13, 2019

As Donald Trump’s current lawyer faces arrest, his former lawyer leaves prison to testify against him

By Bill Palmer | Oct 13, 2019

Donald Trump begs Rudy Giuliani not to take him down

By Bill Palmer | Oct 13, 2019

Donald Trump’s new Secretary of Defense just sold him out to the House impeachment inquiry

By Bill Palmer | Oct 13, 2019

Donald Trump’s Syria stunt just turned into an even worse nightmare for the United States

By Bill Palmer | Oct 13, 2019

Everyone piles on after Donald Trump’s “WORLD PEACE” tweet goes awry

By Bill Palmer | Oct 13, 2019

Why the order of impeachment means everything

By BD Holly | Oct 13, 2019

Donald Trump isn’t trying to save himself from being impeached. He’s aiming for a plea deal.

By Bill Palmer | Oct 13, 2019

Donald Trump’s relationship with recently arrested henchman Lev Parnas runs much deeper than anyone knew

By Bill Palmer | Oct 13, 2019

Rudy Giuliani just threw Donald Trump under the bus

By Daniel Cotter | Oct 13, 2019

Rudy Giuliani goes ape shit as SDNY closes in on him

By Bill Palmer | Oct 13, 2019

Everyone piles on after Donald Trump posts nonsensical tweet about tractors

By Bill Palmer | Oct 12, 2019

Turkey is bombing U.S. troops on purpose, and Senate Republicans aren’t doing a damn thing to stop Donald Trump from letting it happen

By Bill Palmer | Oct 12, 2019

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