Here comes the cavalry

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2019

Gordon Sondland hits the panic button

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2019

Here’s how you know Donald Trump is dead in the water

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2019

Donald Trump’s psychotic pity party reaches its final destination

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2019

Bring it on, jackass

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2019

Jim Jordan throws a tantrum

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2019


By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2019

Italy and Australia scramble to distance themselves from Bill Barr’s antics as he circles the drain

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2019

Bill Taylor bombshell

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2019

Get your popcorn: here come the televised impeachment hearings against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2019


By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2019

Kellyanne Conway goes completely berserk

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2019

House Democrats appear to hint that Gordon Sondland is completely screwed

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2019

Mitch McConnell is playing both sides on impeachment – and that should have Donald Trump worried

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2019

Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani have a whole new problem

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2019

Never underestimate the power of the absurd

By Robert Harrington | Oct 24, 2019

Sean Hannity just found himself in the thick of Donald Trump’s Ukraine scandal

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2019

President John Gotti

By Daniel Cotter | Oct 24, 2019

Governor of Colorado slam dunks Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2019

This news out of Ukraine is terrible for Donald Trump

By James Sullivan | Oct 24, 2019

Donald Trump just went out of his way to throw Mike Pence under the bus

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2019

Donald Trump goes berserk in the middle of the night after everyone makes fun of him for wanting a Colorado border wall

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2019

Oh come on, Rudy Giuliani

By Bill Palmer | Oct 23, 2019


By Bill Palmer | Oct 23, 2019

Trump and his whiny little babies know they’re losing

By Shirley Kennedy | Oct 23, 2019

Just wait til Nancy Pelosi gets home

By Bill Palmer | Oct 23, 2019

Rudy Giuliani just spoke up and attached himself to Donald Trump’s sinking presidency like a boat anchor

By Bill Palmer | Oct 23, 2019

Donald Trump just totally blew it in the court case that’ll decide his downfall

By Bill Palmer | Oct 23, 2019

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