Mike Pompeo’s escape plan just completely blew up in his face

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2019

John Bolton just blew it

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2019

Former Trump apologist Ken Starr now says Donald Trump is guilty

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2019

Sean Patrick Maloney finally got Gordon Sondland to say it

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2019


By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2019

Rudy Giuliani has berserk meltdown after Trump’s House GOP allies try to scapegoat him during impeachment hearing

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2019

Something big is going on with the FBI and the Trump whistleblower right now

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2019

Mike Pence goes berserk after Gordon Sondland takes him down

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2019

Donald Trump is inexplicably standing on the White House lawn and reading quotes from Gordon Sondland’s devastating testimony

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2019

This is my favorite day

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2019


By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2019

Donald Trump is crying like a baby

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2019

Gordon Sondland just took a blowtorch to everyone

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2019

Gordon Sondland just totally threw Donald Trump and Mike Pence under the bus

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2019

Trump and the House GOP are out of options

By James Sullivan | Nov 20, 2019

Gordon Sondland goes for broke today

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2019

Why Donald Trump could be toast this week

By Shirley Kennedy | Nov 20, 2019


By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2019

Here’s what really happens if Gordon Sondland pleads the Fifth tomorrow

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2019

Donald Trump’s worst nightmare is about to come true on Monday

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2019

The real reason Mike Pompeo is suddenly telling people he’s resigning

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2019

Adam Schiff has this

By TR Kenneth | Nov 19, 2019

Donald Trump swings and misses at the end of disastrous hearings for him

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2019

Jim Jordan just stepped in it

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2019

The Gordon Problem

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2019

House GOP crashes and burns as impeachment hearings take their ugliest turn for Donald Trump yet

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2019

House Democrats just keep piling on as this afternoon’s impeachment hearings swing sharply their way

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2019

Mike Pence chases his own tail after today’s House impeachment hearings go poorly or him

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2019

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