Secretary of Defense Mark Esper fires Secretary of the Navy, as the failing Trump regime completely unravels

By Bill Palmer | Nov 24, 2019

Lordy, there are tapes – and Lev Parnas has given them to the House impeachment inquiry

By Bill Palmer | Nov 24, 2019

White House Counsel just scapegoated Mick Mulvaney something fierce

By Bill Palmer | Nov 24, 2019

What the hell is wrong with this guy?

By James Sullivan | Nov 24, 2019

Things sure change fast

By Ron Leshnower | Nov 24, 2019

Trump White House launches surreal attack on John Bolton ahead of his increasingly likely impeachment testimony

By Bill Palmer | Nov 24, 2019

Donald Trump’s base will just never get it

By Daniel Cotter | Nov 24, 2019

Donald Trump just gave away how petrified he is of what’s about to happen to him

By Bill Palmer | Nov 24, 2019

Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer must have gotten to him

By Bill Palmer | Nov 23, 2019

Has the dam just broken?

By Bill Palmer | Nov 23, 2019

Rudy Giuliani goes off the deep end about what’ll happen if he “disappears”

By Bill Palmer | Nov 23, 2019

Donald Trump’s Camp David fracas with GOP Senators isn’t what you think it is

By Bill Palmer | Nov 23, 2019

This is completely out of control

By James Sullivan | Nov 23, 2019

Rudy Giuliani goes berserk, begins attacking Lev Parnas

By Bill Palmer | Nov 23, 2019

This feels different this time

By BD Holly | Nov 23, 2019

What the heck does John Bolton think he’s doing today?

By Bill Palmer | Nov 23, 2019

The Republican “anyway verdict”

By Robert Harrington | Nov 23, 2019

Rudy Giuliani goes berserk as Ukrainian flips on him

By Bill Palmer | Nov 23, 2019

How stupid could Mike Pompeo be?

By Bill Palmer | Nov 23, 2019

Rachel Maddow just took a blowtorch to Republican Senators

By Bill Palmer | Nov 23, 2019

The State Department just sold out Mike Pompeo

By Bill Palmer | Nov 22, 2019

Donald Trump hits the panic button at Camp David

By Bill Palmer | Nov 22, 2019

GOP Senators start cracking under the pressure of no-win Trump impeachment vote

By Bill Palmer | Nov 22, 2019

Lev Parnas reveals he has “hard evidence” against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 22, 2019

Joe Biden just said what we’re all thinking about Lindsey Graham

By Bill Palmer | Nov 22, 2019

Donald Trump’s impeachment bravado just collapsed in a heap of rubble

By Bill Palmer | Nov 22, 2019

John Bolton and Donald Trump’s White House begin openly feuding, as Bolton’s impeachment testimony becomes more likely

By Bill Palmer | Nov 22, 2019

We told you televised House impeachment hearings were just getting started

By Bill Palmer | Nov 22, 2019

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