Susan Collins sinks to a whole new disgusting low

By Bill Palmer | Feb 15, 2020

What a bunch of crap

By Bill Palmer | Feb 15, 2020

The real story behind Mike Bloomberg supposedly picking Hillary Clinton as his running mate

By Bill Palmer | Feb 15, 2020

Now we know why Lisa Murkowski voted to acquit Donald Trump – and it’s not pretty

By Bill Palmer | Feb 15, 2020

Donald Trump’s “Act Three” isn’t going the way he’s hoping

By Daniel Cotter | Feb 15, 2020

This one is already coming back to bite Donald Trump

By James Sullivan | Feb 15, 2020

Donald Trump tries to declare himself “king” – and misses badly

By Bill Palmer | Feb 15, 2020

Donald Trump hits a wall

By BD Holly | Feb 15, 2020

Donald Trump’s stooge Jim Jordan sinks to a whole new low

By Robert Harrington | Feb 15, 2020


By Bill Palmer | Feb 15, 2020

Bill Barr scrambles as his shell game starts falling to pieces

By Bill Palmer | Feb 14, 2020

The thing about Donald Trump that no one is talking about

By Bill Palmer | Feb 14, 2020

SDNY just gave the finger to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Feb 14, 2020

Donald Trump just made things at lot worse for Bill Barr

By Bill Palmer | Feb 14, 2020

This one is for all the marbles

By Robert Harrington | Feb 14, 2020

What it really means that Andrew McCabe just defeated Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Feb 14, 2020

We’re up to eight of them now

By Ron Leshnower | Feb 14, 2020

What the heck did Rudy Giuliani just do?

By Bill Palmer | Feb 14, 2020

Donald Trump has a whole new problem

By James Sullivan | Feb 13, 2020

Funny how that works

By Bill Palmer | Feb 13, 2020

John Kelly’s attacks on Donald Trump are a sign of something much bigger going on behind the scenes

By Bill Palmer | Feb 13, 2020

Mike Bloomberg just destroyed Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Feb 13, 2020

Chris Hayes just nailed it

By Bill Palmer | Feb 13, 2020

New York Attorney General Tish James just slam dunked Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Feb 13, 2020

Bill Barr’s weird and wacky new interview just gave something away

By Bill Palmer | Feb 13, 2020

Why Donald Trump is really re-hiring Sean Spicer and Reince Priebus

By Bill Palmer | Feb 13, 2020

Donald Trump can’t simply cheat his way to victory this time – unless you let him

By Bill Palmer | Feb 13, 2020

Working towards Hitler

By Robert Harrington | Feb 13, 2020

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