Mike Bloomberg could end up being sorry he just qualified for the Democratic debate

By Bill Palmer | Feb 18, 2020

We told you Bill Barr didn’t have a magic wand

By Bill Palmer | Feb 18, 2020

The language of tyranny

By Robert Harrington | Feb 18, 2020

Here comes Donald Trump’s big pardon head-fake with Roger Stone

By Bill Palmer | Feb 18, 2020

Bill Barr is even more of a criminal than we thought

By Shirley Kennedy | Feb 18, 2020

Mike Bloomberg shouldn’t be the nominee – but he’s exposed the roadmap for taking Donald Trump down

By Bill Palmer | Feb 18, 2020

Donald Trump has completely berserk jealous meltdown about President Obama

By Palmer Report | Feb 17, 2020

Pete Buttigieg just destroyed one of the most ridiculous narratives about Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Feb 17, 2020

Donald Trump just had a really bad “Presidents Day”

By Palmer Report | Feb 17, 2020

Here’s proof that Bernie Sanders’ top campaign advisers are behind the divisive hit squad attacks on other candidates

By Bill Palmer | Feb 17, 2020

Donald Trump gets slam dunked by former GOP Congressman Joe Walsh

By Palmer Report | Feb 17, 2020

John Bolton just screwed us all again tonight

By Bill Palmer | Feb 17, 2020

Rudy Giuliani’s arrest

By Bill Palmer | Feb 17, 2020

Oh come on, not John Bolton again

By Bill Palmer | Feb 17, 2020

Bernie Sanders’ goon squad is now trying to destroy Parkland father Fred Guttenberg, and it should be the last straw

By Bill Palmer | Feb 17, 2020

President Obama was better at everything

By Palmer Report | Feb 17, 2020

Donald Trump’s Daytona 500 flameout

By Palmer Report | Feb 17, 2020

Mike Bloomberg comes out swinging at the increasingly deranged “Bernie or Bust” crowd

By Bill Palmer | Feb 17, 2020

One sure way to take Donald Trump down in 2020

By Bill Palmer | Feb 17, 2020

Bill Barr has a whole new problem

By Daniel Cotter | Feb 16, 2020

This is completely out of control

By Bill Palmer | Feb 16, 2020

There will be mud

By Robert Harrington | Feb 16, 2020

Donald Trump crashes and burns at the Daytona 500

By Bill Palmer | Feb 16, 2020

The trouble with Bernie Sanders

By Robert Harrington | Feb 16, 2020

Nancy Pelosi just said something important about the 2020 election

By Bill Palmer | Feb 16, 2020

Sorry, Bill Barr, nice try

By Shirley Kennedy | Feb 16, 2020

Bill Barr just got caught red handed

By Bill Palmer | Feb 16, 2020

Rudy Giuliani suffers bizarre late night Twitter malfunction

By Bill Palmer | Feb 16, 2020

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