What’s really going on with Joe Biden’s big mystery endorsement

By Bill Palmer | Mar 7, 2020

Donald Trump’s ouster of Mick Mulvaney is even more bizarre than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Mar 7, 2020

Let’s talk about Donald Trump’s health

By Bill Palmer | Mar 7, 2020

Joe Biden is now surging in another surprise state

By Bill Palmer | Mar 6, 2020

The real reason Donald Trump is shipping Mick Mulvaney out of the country

By Bill Palmer | Mar 6, 2020

Donald Trump is completely falling to pieces in real time

By Bill Palmer | Mar 6, 2020

The real reason Donald Trump just fired Mick Mulvaney and replaced him with Mark Meadows

By Bill Palmer | Mar 6, 2020

The first new poll with Elizabeth Warren out of the race just told us a lot about Joe Biden vs Bernie Sanders

By Bill Palmer | Mar 6, 2020

Donald Trump is up against it now

By Bill Palmer | Mar 6, 2020

Bernie Sanders gone wild

By Robert Harrington | Mar 6, 2020

Here’s the thing about the coronavirus and the 2020 election

By Bill Palmer | Mar 6, 2020

Donald Trump is collapsing into pieces

By Shirley Kennedy | Mar 6, 2020

Donald Trump’s strategy just failed miserably

By James Sullivan | Mar 6, 2020

Joe Biden just seized on Donald Trump’s big mistake

By Bill Palmer | Mar 6, 2020

Donald Trump finds himself knee deep in the malarkey

By Ron Leshnower | Mar 6, 2020

The key takeaway from Elizabeth Warren’s stunning interview with Rachel Maddow

By Bill Palmer | Mar 6, 2020

Looks like Donald Trump is about to have a horrible morning

By Bill Palmer | Mar 6, 2020

Rachel Maddow just nailed it

By Bill Palmer | Mar 6, 2020

Mitt Romney may be about to stick it to Donald Trump again

By Bill Palmer | Mar 5, 2020

Joe Biden just got the best news of all

By Bill Palmer | Mar 5, 2020

Elizabeth Warren just gave a stunning interview to Rachel Maddow, and it’ll shake up the entire primary race

By Bill Palmer | Mar 5, 2020

What is Bernie Sanders even doing?

By Bill Palmer | Mar 5, 2020

Donald Trump just said the worst thing possible and caused himself a 2020 election nightmare

By Bill Palmer | Mar 5, 2020

The primary race just completely exploded in Joe Biden’s favor today

By Bill Palmer | Mar 5, 2020

Steve Mnuchin just screwed up and made things even worse for Donald Trump

By James Sullivan | Mar 5, 2020

Elizabeth Warren is just getting started

By Bill Palmer | Mar 5, 2020

Susan Collins goes completely off the rails

By Robert Harrington | Mar 5, 2020

Donald Trump just made a complete mess for himself

By Bill Palmer | Mar 5, 2020

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