Tennis legend Martina Navratilova rips Donald Trump to pieces

By Bill Palmer | Mar 10, 2020

Joe Biden vs Bernie Sanders: Democratic primary predictions for Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri and more

By Bill Palmer | Mar 10, 2020

Donald Trump has late night meltdown about his coronavirus test

By Bill Palmer | Mar 10, 2020

Joe Biden comes out swinging

By James Sullivan | Mar 9, 2020

Of course he hasn’t

By Bill Palmer | Mar 9, 2020

Joe Biden just appeared to make a major hint about his running mate

By Bill Palmer | Mar 9, 2020

Donald Trump’s big new plan is a complete disaster

By Bill Palmer | Mar 9, 2020

Pearl Jam cancels tour, slams Donald Trump administration’s disastrous coronavirus response

By Bill Palmer | Mar 9, 2020

Joe Biden vs Bernie Sanders: this whole primary race could legitimately be over by tomorrow

By Bill Palmer | Mar 9, 2020

The Republicans’ attempt at punishing Mitt Romney just totally blew up in their faces

By Bill Palmer | Mar 9, 2020

So much for Donald Trump’s new White House Chief of Staff

By Bill Palmer | Mar 9, 2020

Joe Biden has something up his sleeve for his rally with Kamala Harris tonight

By Bill Palmer | Mar 9, 2020

Donald Trump goes off the paranoid delusional deep end as he’s potentially exposed to coronavirus

By Bill Palmer | Mar 9, 2020

Melania Trump begins canceling events

By Bill Palmer | Mar 9, 2020

This is just UGLY

By Bill Palmer | Mar 9, 2020

Nancy Pelosi slam dunks Donald Trump after his disastrous press conference

By Bill Palmer | Mar 9, 2020

Donald Trump crashes and burns in disastrous coronavirus press conference

By Bill Palmer | Mar 9, 2020

Joe Biden vs Bernie Sanders: tomorrow’s Michigan primary just got turned completely upside down

By Bill Palmer | Mar 9, 2020

Donald Trump was potentially exposed to coronavirus on Air Force One today, by Matt Gaetz of all people

By Bill Palmer | Mar 9, 2020

I’ve heard this somewhere before

By Bill Palmer | Mar 9, 2020

Now is the time to keep our cool

By Robert Harrington | Mar 9, 2020

Preet Bharara just destroyed Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Mar 9, 2020

Joe Biden is going for the knockout blow against Bernie Sanders

By Shirley Kennedy | Mar 9, 2020

Donald Trump fiddles as his presidency burns

By Daniel Cotter | Mar 9, 2020

Momentum builds for a Joe Biden – Kamala Harris ticket

By Bill Palmer | Mar 9, 2020

Cory Booker just got in the game

By Bill Palmer | Mar 9, 2020

Pete Buttigieg just went on TV and shut down Bernie Sanders

By Bill Palmer | Mar 9, 2020

Donald Trump wakes up and has a complete meltdown as it all goes wrong for him

By Bill Palmer | Mar 9, 2020

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