Donald Trump doesn’t have a prayer

By Bill Palmer | Mar 14, 2020

Donald Trump’s supposed negative coronavirus test result just became even more suspicious

By Bill Palmer | Mar 14, 2020

Donald Trump goes off the Twitter deep end

By Bill Palmer | Mar 14, 2020

Proof positive that Donald Trump is a total failure

By Bill Palmer | Mar 14, 2020

Mitch McConnell you clown!

By Bill Palmer | Mar 14, 2020

Joe Biden just ripped Donald Trump a new one

By Bill Palmer | Mar 14, 2020

Newt Gingrich is caught right in the middle of a coronavirus lockdown

By Bill Palmer | Mar 14, 2020

Joe Biden just embraced a major Elizabeth Warren initiative

By Bill Palmer | Mar 14, 2020

Donald Trump now claims he tested negative for coronavirus. Here’s the evidence trail that says he’s probably lying.

By Bill Palmer | Mar 14, 2020

This is the end of Donald Trump

By Robert Harrington | Mar 14, 2020

Donald Trump and his new doctor can’t get their lies straight

By Bill Palmer | Mar 14, 2020

What if he does have it?

By Bill Palmer | Mar 14, 2020

The real reason Donald Trump was wearing that hat today

By Bill Palmer | Mar 14, 2020

Donald Trump’s idiocy reaches lethal proportions

By BD Holly | Mar 14, 2020

RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel may have caught the coronavirus at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago

By Bill Palmer | Mar 14, 2020

Donald Trump has total meltdown when challenged by reporter Kelly O’Donnell

By Bill Palmer | Mar 14, 2020

Donald Trump’s GOP Senate stooge Martha McSally is in trouble

By Bill Palmer | Mar 14, 2020

Things somehow just got even worse for Donald Trump

By James Sullivan | Mar 14, 2020

This tells you all you need to know

By Bill Palmer | Mar 14, 2020

Mike Pence just bet everything on a hand he can’t win

By Bill Palmer | Mar 14, 2020

Enough with this nonsense about “corporate Democrats”

By Robert Harrington | Mar 14, 2020

There’s something very wrong with Donald Trump’s new doctor

By Bill Palmer | Mar 14, 2020

Donald Trump can’t even fake it anymore

By Bill Palmer | Mar 14, 2020

Donald Trump’s kids targeted in devastating new TV ad

By Bill Palmer | Mar 14, 2020

Mitch McConnell just screwed us all again

By Bill Palmer | Mar 14, 2020

The real reason Donald Trump is still refusing to get tested for coronavirus

By Bill Palmer | Mar 14, 2020

Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago facing coronavirus explosion

By Bill Palmer | Mar 14, 2020

Donald Trump just made his coronavirus exposure scandal even worse for himself

By Bill Palmer | Mar 14, 2020

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Note from Bill Palmer – I need your help. If each of you can kick in $5 or $25 right now to help cover Palmer Report's operating expenses, it'll make all the difference in the world: Click here.