This story about Rand Paul spreading the coronavirus around the Senate just got even uglier

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2020

Where the hell is Bernie Sanders?

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2020

Joe Biden obliterates “failing” Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2020

Turns out Donald Trump screwed up his coronavirus response way, way worse than we knew

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2020

Donald Trump dissolves into an incoherent puddle of goo as his latest press conference goes off the rails

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2020

Five GOP Senators are now in quarantine: here’s how it impacts control of the Senate

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2020

Where is Dr. Fauci?

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2020

Donald Trump appears to gloat after learning Mitt Romney has been quarantined for coronavirus exposure

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2020

Donald Trump’s latest disastrous press conference sends overnight stock trading off a cliff

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2020

Donald Trump fumbles his way through completely disastrous press conference

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2020

Legal expert slams Rand Paul for how he recklessly behaved while awaiting coronavirus test results

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2020

Harvey Weinstein reportedly has coronavirus

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2020

Mike Bloomberg is putting his money where his mouth is

By BD Holly | Mar 22, 2020

Rand Paul went around exposing people to coronavirus earlier today while he was awaiting his test results

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2020

Here comes Donald Trump’s press conference from hell

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2020

Rand Paul potentially exposed Mitt Romney and a group of other GOP Senators to coronavirus

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2020

Florida newspaper rips Donald Trump’s stooge Ron DeSantis a new one

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2020

Mike Pompeo crashes and burns

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2020

Rand Paul has tested positive for the coronavirus. I have some questions.

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2020

Joe Biden drops the hammer on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2020

Rand Paul has coronavirus

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2020

Donald Trump launches deranged attack on Governor of Illinois, gives something away in the process

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2020

Nancy Pelosi tells Mitch McConnell to shove it

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2020

Shove Donald Trump out the back door

By Tim Faulkner | Mar 22, 2020

Donald Trump just sold us out to Kim Jong-Un

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2020

All eyes on November

By BD Holly | Mar 22, 2020

Dear Donald Trump…

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2020

This is absolutely devastating to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Mar 21, 2020

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