Sherrod Brown tells off Donald Trump’s stooge Tom Cotton

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2020

This was Donald Trump’s most disastrous press conference yet

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2020

Trump White House doctor just threw Rand Paul under the bus

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2020

MSNBC temporarily pulls the plug on Donald Trump’s disastrous press conference

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2020

So much for Dr. Fauci

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2020

Rand Paul just made it even worse for himself

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2020

Donald Trump opens his latest press conference with disastrous news which makes clear he shouldn’t keep having them

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2020

Mitch McConnell gets reamed for his “Big Labor” debacle

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2020

Donald Trump begins lashing out at Mike Pence

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2020

Donald Trump just sided with Jared Kushner over Dr. Fauci

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2020

Donald Trump’s lies about coronavirus drugs just got someone killed

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2020

Now we know why Donald Trump is still refusing to invoke the Defense Production Act

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2020

Donald Trump just lashed out at Dr. Fauci

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2020

Donald Trump’s nightmare press briefings are about to be made even worse by Bill Barr

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2020

Susan Collins just spoke up and reminded everyone how horrible she is

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2020

Joe Biden is making a big splash tomorrow

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2020

Donald Trump’s new “fifteen day period” is dangerous beyond words

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2020

Joe Biden held another press briefing today, but MSNBC and CNN once again refused to air it

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2020

“Hey stupid”: Maxine Waters has had enough of Donald Trump’s crap

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2020

Donald Trump’s lucky streak has ended

By Robert Harrington | Mar 23, 2020

Former Republican operative drops the hammer on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2020

All bets are off today

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2020

Donald Trump’s stooge Steve Mnuchin is at it again

By Daniel Cotter | Mar 23, 2020

Donald Trump has dangerously deranged all caps meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2020

Donald Trump goes on psychotic late night rampage as it all falls to pieces for him

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2020

Donald Trump’s stooge John Cornyn completely humiliates himself

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2020

Amy McGrath slam dunks Mitch McConnell

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2020

Donald Trump gets plastered for gloating over Mitt Romney’s coronavirus quarantine

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2020

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Note from Bill Palmer – I need your help. If each of you can kick in $5 or $25 right now to help cover Palmer Report's operating expenses, it'll make all the difference in the world: Click here.