When Republicans eat their young

By Robert Harrington | Mar 24, 2020

Katie Porter sounds the alarm

By Bill Palmer | Mar 24, 2020

Joe Biden’s big day

By Bill Palmer | Mar 24, 2020

Rachel Maddow just nailed it

By Bill Palmer | Mar 24, 2020

I’m not worried one bit about fluctuations in Donald Trump’s approval rating right now, and you shouldn’t either

By Bill Palmer | Mar 24, 2020

Turns out Donald Trump’s rationale for reopening the country by Easter is even nuttier than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Mar 24, 2020

No wonder Donald Trump is trying to hurry up and reopen things

By Bill Palmer | Mar 24, 2020

Now Donald Trump is trying to run a quid pro quo scheme against U.S. Governors

By Bill Palmer | Mar 24, 2020

Hillary Clinton just took a blowtorch to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Mar 24, 2020

Donald Trump’s latest press conference today is off to a disastrous start already

By Bill Palmer | Mar 24, 2020

Andrew Cuomo unloads on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Mar 24, 2020

Looks like Donald Trump is doing another disastrous press briefing today after all

By Bill Palmer | Mar 24, 2020

Joe Biden just nailed it on The View

By Bill Palmer | Mar 24, 2020

Donald Trump gives up on press conferences and tries a new horrible strategy

By Bill Palmer | Mar 24, 2020

Evan McMullin rips Donald Trump to pieces

By Bill Palmer | Mar 24, 2020

Donald Trump’s bonkers attack on Rachel Maddow completely unravels

By Bill Palmer | Mar 24, 2020

Something is very wrong here

By Shirley Kennedy | Mar 24, 2020

Rudy Giuliani is making a mess of the New York City coronavirus lockdown

By Bill Palmer | Mar 24, 2020

No, Donald Trump can’t magically do that either

By Bill Palmer | Mar 24, 2020

Who got to Donald Trump?

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2020

Donald Trump has utterly psychotic meltdown about Nancy Pelosi

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2020

The Republican rats start eating each other as Donald Trump falls to pieces

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2020

Beto O’Rourke comes out swinging

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2020

Donald Trump has completely whacked out late night meltdown about Joe Biden

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2020

Donald Trump’s stooge Dan Patrick calls for grandparents to die to save the economy

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2020

Donald Trump goes completely off the rails

By James Sullivan | Mar 23, 2020

Woman issues stark warning after her husband dies because he followed Donald Trump’s coronavirus drug advice

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2020

Donald Trump regime throws complete tantrum after CNN and MSNBC cut off his disastrous press conference

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2020

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Note from Bill Palmer – I need your help. If each of you can kick in $5 or $25 right now to help cover Palmer Report's operating expenses, it'll make all the difference in the world: Click here.