Donald Trump just got caught in the act

By Bill Palmer | Mar 26, 2020

We’re Number One! (in the worst way possible)

By Bill Palmer | Mar 26, 2020

Donald Trump goes on the Sean Hannity show and completely embarrasses himself

By Bill Palmer | Mar 26, 2020

No wonder Donald Trump isn’t letting the doctors and nurses have the N95 masks

By Bill Palmer | Mar 26, 2020

Rachel Maddow is absolutely right

By Bill Palmer | Mar 26, 2020

Donald Trump and the MAGA death cult

By Robert Harrington | Mar 26, 2020

Melania Trump wishes she had this tweet back

By Bill Palmer | Mar 26, 2020

How Donald Trump blew it

By Wendy Luxenburg | Mar 26, 2020

Donald Trump takes utterly bizarre shot at Mike Bloomberg during coronavirus press conference

By Bill Palmer | Mar 26, 2020

Donald Trump, struggling to breathe and sounding half dead, walks out on his own press conference again

By Bill Palmer | Mar 26, 2020

This is Donald Trump’s worst press conference yet

By Bill Palmer | Mar 26, 2020

Donald Trump sounds incoherent and half dead as his latest press conference is off to a disastrous start

By Bill Palmer | Mar 26, 2020

Bill Barr is up to something

By Bill Palmer | Mar 26, 2020

Amy Klobuchar shares some good news about her husband

By Bill Palmer | Mar 26, 2020

Jerry Nadler slam dunks Donald Trump Jr.

By Bill Palmer | Mar 26, 2020

Donald Trump’s stooge Peter Navarro just got destroyed

By Bill Palmer | Mar 26, 2020

The real reason Donald Trump is criminally indicting Nicolás Maduro

By Bill Palmer | Mar 26, 2020

Rudy Giuliani goes off the deep end

By Bill Palmer | Mar 26, 2020

Donald Trump campaign headquarters gets forcibly shut down

By Bill Palmer | Mar 26, 2020

Oh shut up Steve Mnuchin

By Bill Palmer | Mar 26, 2020

The real reason Donald Trump has to go

By Robert Harrington | Mar 26, 2020

Where did he go?

By Bill Palmer | Mar 26, 2020

For the last time, Bernie Sanders go home!

By Shirley Kennedy | Mar 26, 2020

Donald Trump’s stooge Mike Pompeo just made a huge mess

By Bill Palmer | Mar 26, 2020

You’ve got to be kidding

By Bill Palmer | Mar 26, 2020

Rand Paul is having a bad night

By Bill Palmer | Mar 26, 2020

Donald Trump and his people are spiraling completely out of control

By Ron Leshnower | Mar 25, 2020

Donald Trump is about to get hit with some terrible news tomorrow

By Bill Palmer | Mar 25, 2020

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Note from Bill Palmer – I need your help. If each of you can kick in $5 or $25 right now to help cover Palmer Report's operating expenses, it'll make all the difference in the world: Click here.