Tom Brokaw slams Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Mar 28, 2020

Trump just made things even worse

By Bill Palmer | Mar 28, 2020

This is a bodyblow to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Mar 28, 2020

Donald Trump’s stooge Ron DeSantis goes off the Florida deep end

By Bill Palmer | Mar 28, 2020

So much for Bernie Sanders’ underhanded plan to steal the Democratic nomination

By Bill Palmer | Mar 28, 2020

Donald Trump caves after Andrew Cuomo puts his foot down

By Bill Palmer | Mar 28, 2020

Donald Trump sends broken ventilators to blue state

By Bill Palmer | Mar 28, 2020

Donald Trump’s reign of terror needs to end right now

By Bill Palmer | Mar 28, 2020

Andrew Cuomo slam dunks Donald Trump over nonsensical New York quarantine threat

By Bill Palmer | Mar 28, 2020

Twitter forcibly deletes Rudy Giuliani’s latest deranged tweet

By Bill Palmer | Mar 28, 2020

The single biggest threat we’re facing right now

By Robert Harrington | Mar 28, 2020

Donald Trump just made a big mistake

By Bill Palmer | Mar 28, 2020

#TrumpGenocide trends as Donald Trump confesses to mass murder of Americans

By Bill Palmer | Mar 28, 2020

The real reason Donald Trump is suddenly threatening to quarantine New York

By Bill Palmer | Mar 28, 2020

Donald Trump just had another “John Barron” moment

By Bill Palmer | Mar 28, 2020

Fox News just delivered some terrible news for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Mar 28, 2020

Trump caught deleting tweet that may have given away his real motivation for reopening the country on Easter

By Bill Palmer | Mar 28, 2020

Donald Trump just doesn’t get it

By Shirley Kennedy | Mar 28, 2020

Ben Stiller slams Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Mar 28, 2020

Donald Trump could learn a thing or two from his pal Boris Johnson

By Robert Harrington | Mar 28, 2020

Mike Pence must go down for this

By Bill Palmer | Mar 28, 2020

Rudy Giuliani is trying to get us all killed

By Bill Palmer | Mar 28, 2020

Rachel Maddow just utterly destroyed Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Mar 28, 2020

Donald Trump has completely berserk meltdown in the middle of the night as it all goes wrong for him

By Bill Palmer | Mar 28, 2020

This doesn’t make sense

By Bill Palmer | Mar 28, 2020

The real reason Donald Trump is suddenly so obsessed with Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer

By Bill Palmer | Mar 27, 2020

Nancy Pelosi appears on the Rachel Maddow show and nails it

By Bill Palmer | Mar 27, 2020

Donald Trump’s completely insane new coronavirus strategy sounds like something out of The Onion

By Bill Palmer | Mar 27, 2020

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Note from Bill Palmer – I need your help. If each of you can kick in $5 or $25 right now to help cover Palmer Report's operating expenses, it'll make all the difference in the world: Click here.