Donald Trump brings out Jared Kushner as his press conference sinks to an all-time low

By Bill Palmer | Apr 2, 2020

Donald Trump’s latest press conference is already off to a disastrous start

By Bill Palmer | Apr 2, 2020

Kellyanne Conway just got destroyed

By Bill Palmer | Apr 2, 2020

Donald Trump’s missing ventilator scandal just got even uglier

By Bill Palmer | Apr 2, 2020

Donald Trump just flat out admits he’s plotting something with MBS and Vladimir Putin

By Bill Palmer | Apr 2, 2020

Sorry, Donald Trump, no one’s buying it

By James Sullivan | Apr 2, 2020

Donald Trump is blowing his big chance – and we have to watch him more carefully than ever

By Robert Harrington | Apr 2, 2020

Nice try, Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Apr 2, 2020

Doctor goes on Fox News and blows up Donald Trump’s lies

By Bill Palmer | Apr 1, 2020

What Donald Trump doesn’t know

By Robert Harrington | Apr 1, 2020

Donald Trump’s favorite propaganda outlet OAN gets booted from press briefings

By Bill Palmer | Apr 1, 2020

Donald Trump is playing a dangerous game with Andrew Cuomo

By James Sullivan | Apr 1, 2020

Donald Trump’s latest press conference is an embarrassment even by his standards

By Bill Palmer | Apr 1, 2020

Donald Trump’s incoherent meltdown about drug cartels isn’t exactly going over well

By Bill Palmer | Apr 1, 2020

Joe Biden just called Kellyanne Conway’s bluff

By Bill Palmer | Apr 1, 2020

MSNBC and CNN cut off Donald Trump’s latest press conference almost immediately

By Bill Palmer | Apr 1, 2020

Nancy Pelosi drops the hammer on Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell

By Bill Palmer | Apr 1, 2020

Bernie Sanders is finished

By Bill Palmer | Apr 1, 2020

Donald Trump was golfing the whole time!

By Bill Palmer | Apr 1, 2020

GOP Senator Kelly Loeffler’s coronavirus insider trading was far uglier than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Apr 1, 2020

Turns out Jared Kushner was behind it all

By Bill Palmer | Apr 1, 2020

Whoopi Goldberg just destroyed Bernie Sanders to his face for refusing to drop out of a race that he’s lost

By Bill Palmer | Apr 1, 2020

Donald Trump’s approval numbers just went off a cliff

By Bill Palmer | Apr 1, 2020

Donald Trump is trying to pull a fast one on us

By Ron Leshnower | Apr 1, 2020

Donald Trump gets caught in the act

By Shirley Kennedy | Apr 1, 2020

“They might as well be wearing raincoats”

By Bill Palmer | Apr 1, 2020

It’s time to seize Trump Tower

By Bill Palmer | Mar 31, 2020

Bernie Sanders goes bust

By Robert Harrington | Mar 31, 2020

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Note from Bill Palmer – I need your help. If each of you can kick in $5 or $25 right now to help cover Palmer Report's operating expenses, it'll make all the difference in the world: Click here.