Donald Trump just stepped in it

By Bill Palmer | Apr 11, 2020

Donald Trump calls in to Judge Jeanine show and goes completely off the rails

By Bill Palmer | Apr 11, 2020

Melania Trump posts idiotic tweet, deletes it

By Bill Palmer | Apr 11, 2020

Donald Trump goes bonkers about Gavin Newsom and no one can even figure out what he’s talking about

By Bill Palmer | Apr 11, 2020

Donald Trump and Judge Jeanine are about to have an on-air dumpster fire for the ages tonight

By Bill Palmer | Apr 11, 2020

Everyone piles on after Donald Trump’s “West Virginia Resident” meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Apr 11, 2020

Susan Rice slam dunks Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Apr 11, 2020

Donald Trump just gave something important away

By Bill Palmer | Apr 11, 2020

Donald Trump just took an ugly blow

By Bill Palmer | Apr 11, 2020

President Obama to the rescue

By Shirley Kennedy | Apr 11, 2020

This is a complete disaster on every level

By Robert Harrington | Apr 11, 2020

Donald Trump just put on an embarrassing display of ignorant stupidity for the ages

By Bill Palmer | Apr 11, 2020

Nikki Haley is up to no good

By Bill Palmer | Apr 11, 2020

Melania Trump has a whole new problem

By Bill Palmer | Apr 10, 2020

Donald Trump has become the target of his own idiotic scam

By Bill Palmer | Apr 10, 2020

Donald Trump and his family just suffered an ugly blow

By Ron Leshnower | Apr 10, 2020

Donald Trump’s latest phony threat falls flat

By Bill Palmer | Apr 10, 2020

Chelsea Clinton just put Donald Trump in his place

By Bill Palmer | Apr 10, 2020

The real story behind Donald Trump’s voter fraud conspiracy theory

By Robert Harrington | Apr 10, 2020

Donald Trump’s idiot Surgeon General Jerome Adams has complete meltdown during press conference

By Bill Palmer | Apr 10, 2020

Donald Trump has his most berserk press briefing yet, after his own handlers tell him to stop having them

By Bill Palmer | Apr 10, 2020

Donald Trump caught making humiliating mistake in his own new TV ad

By Bill Palmer | Apr 10, 2020

Here comes the next ugly battle

By James Sullivan | Apr 10, 2020

Shame on you CNN for caving like this

By Bill Palmer | Apr 10, 2020

Donald Trump tried to kill the NFL but ended up killing his friend Vince McMahon’s XFL instead

By Bill Palmer | Apr 10, 2020

That didn’t work out for Mike Pence at all

By Bill Palmer | Apr 10, 2020

We all need to be like Katie Porter

By Shirley Kennedy | Apr 10, 2020

Donald Trump goes completely berserk as everything falls apart for him

By Bill Palmer | Apr 10, 2020

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