Somebody get Donald Trump a straitjacket

By Bill Palmer | Apr 13, 2020

This right here should be the end of Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Apr 13, 2020

CNN chyron utterly destroys Donald Trump during his disastrous press briefing

By Bill Palmer | Apr 13, 2020

Donald Trump has yelling, maniacal meltdown as his press briefing goes completely off the rails

By Bill Palmer | Apr 13, 2020

CNN and MSNBC pull the plug on Donald Trump after he plays deranged propaganda video during press conference

By Bill Palmer | Apr 13, 2020

Donald Trump just stepped in it

By Bill Palmer | Apr 13, 2020

Donald Trump goes completely berserk about his unraveling press conferences

By Bill Palmer | Apr 13, 2020

The real reason Bernie Sanders formally endorsed Joe Biden today

By Bill Palmer | Apr 13, 2020

Joe Biden-supporting grandma sticks it to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Apr 13, 2020

What’s really eating Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Apr 13, 2020

Donald Trump just had an OJ Simpson level meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Apr 12, 2020

Former GOP strategist rips Donald Trump to pieces

By James Sullivan | Apr 12, 2020

Ted Cruz just stepped in it

By Bill Palmer | Apr 12, 2020

Donald Trump just gave something away

By Daniel Cotter | Apr 12, 2020

Donald Trump goes off the deep end about Dr. Fauci

By Bill Palmer | Apr 12, 2020

Donald Trump’s Chris Wallace problem is bigger than you think

By Bill Palmer | Apr 12, 2020

Donald Trump has completely berserk profane Easter Sunday meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Apr 12, 2020

Joe Biden won another primary race last night while no one was watching

By James Sullivan | Apr 12, 2020

Donald Trump inexplicably brags about his “Presidential Disaster” and it isn’t exactly going over well

By Bill Palmer | Apr 12, 2020

Joe Biden’s running mate

By Bill Palmer | Apr 12, 2020

Yep, Donald Trump really is going to prison

By TR Kenneth | Apr 12, 2020

Donald Trump’s stooge Ron DeSantis is circling the drain

By Bill Palmer | Apr 12, 2020

Their very own antichrist

By Robert Harrington | Apr 12, 2020

The one thing I fear about the 2020 election

By Bill Palmer | Apr 12, 2020

Ted Lieu rips Donald Trump to pieces

By Bill Palmer | Apr 12, 2020

Eric Swalwell comes out swinging

By Bill Palmer | Apr 12, 2020

Donald Trump is scared to death of you

By BD Holly | Apr 11, 2020

Kamala Harris throws down the gauntlet

By Bill Palmer | Apr 11, 2020

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