It’s only going to get messier from here

By TR Kenneth | Apr 16, 2020

Donald Trump’s new sinister racist agenda

By Robert Harrington | Apr 16, 2020

Donald Trump isn’t “getting away” with anything

By Bill Palmer | Apr 16, 2020

Donald Trump’s latest impossible threat further exposes him as a blithering idiot

By Daniel Cotter | Apr 15, 2020

Joe Biden launches devastating new TV ad against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Apr 15, 2020

President Obama sends Judge Jeanine completely over the edge

By Shirley Kennedy | Apr 15, 2020

Ted Lieu just took a blowtorch to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Apr 15, 2020

Donald Trump just decided to scapegoat another one of his own people

By Bill Palmer | Apr 15, 2020

Donald Trump’s “Ivanka and Jared” council just went up in flames

By Bill Palmer | Apr 15, 2020

Donald Trump goes berserk, calls America a third world country, threatens to give our medical supplies to Russia

By Bill Palmer | Apr 15, 2020

Donald Trump has unhinged meltdown about forcibly shutting down the House and Senate, no one knows what he’s talking about

By Bill Palmer | Apr 15, 2020

Turns out Donald Trump can’t even defund the WHO

By Bill Palmer | Apr 15, 2020

MSNBC and CNN just stuck it to Donald Trump over his latest press briefing stunt

By Bill Palmer | Apr 15, 2020

Stop the presses!

By Ron Leshnower | Apr 15, 2020

Elizabeth Warren just hit it out of the park

By Bill Palmer | Apr 15, 2020

Bill Gates slams Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Apr 15, 2020

How to really put Donald Trump’s base out of its misery

By Bill Palmer | Apr 15, 2020

Kellyanne Conway has complete meltdown on live national television

By Bill Palmer | Apr 15, 2020

GOP panics as Donald Trump circles the drain

By James Sullivan | Apr 15, 2020

Maxine Waters rips Donald Trump a new one

By Bill Palmer | Apr 15, 2020

The real reason Donald Trump is doing this

By Robert Harrington | Apr 15, 2020

Donald Trump is cornered

By Bill Palmer | Apr 15, 2020

Donald Trump has a whole new problem

By James Sullivan | Apr 14, 2020

Amy McGrath drops the hammer on Mitch McConnell

By Bill Palmer | Apr 14, 2020

Donald Trump’s World Health Organization meltdown goes completely off the rails

By Ron Leshnower | Apr 14, 2020

No one believes Donald Trump is really having conversations with “Zippy” and “James Hoffa”

By Bill Palmer | Apr 14, 2020

Joe Biden just dropped a devastating new TV ad on Donald Trump’s head

By Bill Palmer | Apr 14, 2020

Nancy Pelosi slam dunks Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Apr 14, 2020

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