Rob Reiner rips Donald Trump a new one

By Bill Palmer | Apr 20, 2020

Donald Trump just suffered a humiliating failure

By Bill Palmer | Apr 20, 2020

How does it feel?

By Robert Harrington | Apr 20, 2020

What Donald Trump has to worry about the most

By Bill Palmer | Apr 20, 2020

Here’s a number Donald Trump will hate

By Shirley Kennedy | Apr 20, 2020

Donald Trump’s flameout is fully underway

By Bill Palmer | Apr 20, 2020

Everyone piles on after Donald Trump inexplicably spends his press briefing talking about getting “aroused”

By Bill Palmer | Apr 20, 2020

Joe Biden comes out swinging

By Bill Palmer | Apr 20, 2020

Donald Trump’s senility is getting worse – and he knows it

By Bill Palmer | Apr 19, 2020

Republican Governor slams Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Apr 19, 2020

Donald Trump has completely lost the plot

By Bill Palmer | Apr 19, 2020

Donald Trump’s press briefing today just started and it’s already the worst thing I’ve ever seen

By Bill Palmer | Apr 19, 2020

The real reason Donald Trump keeps burying himself with these disastrous press briefings

By Bill Palmer | Apr 19, 2020

Donald Trump is about to get hit by the perfect storm

By TR Kenneth | Apr 19, 2020

Donald Trump has no idea what he’s trying to do

By BD Holly | Apr 19, 2020

Here’s how we put Donald Trump in prison

By Robert Harrington | Apr 19, 2020

Donald Trump is walking into a trap

By Shirley Kennedy | Apr 19, 2020

At least Donald Trump is going broke

By Bill Palmer | Apr 19, 2020

This new TV ad against Donald Trump is just devastating

By Bill Palmer | Apr 18, 2020

This is just ugly

By BD Holly | Apr 18, 2020

This could all be over with tomorrow

By Bill Palmer | Apr 18, 2020

Donald Trump’s Florida stooge Ron DeSantis gets completely humiliated

By Bill Palmer | Apr 18, 2020

Whining, sniveling Donald Trump spends press briefing complaining about how it’s all gone wrong for him

By Bill Palmer | Apr 18, 2020

Donald Trump’s stooge Lindsey Graham suddenly has a big problem

By Bill Palmer | Apr 18, 2020

Donald Trump’s “people are dropping off like flies” meltdown isn’t exactly going over well

By Bill Palmer | Apr 18, 2020

A doomsday of our very own making

By Robert Harrington | Apr 18, 2020

Jim Acosta just destroyed Donald Trump and his goons

By Bill Palmer | Apr 18, 2020

Donald Trump just dug himself an even bigger hole

By James Sullivan | Apr 18, 2020

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