Turns out Donald Trump was totally lying about that Harvard thing

By Bill Palmer | Apr 22, 2020

Beto O’Rourke comes out swinging

By Bill Palmer | Apr 21, 2020

Saw that coming

By Bill Palmer | Apr 21, 2020

Donald Trump is self destructing

By Bill Palmer | Apr 21, 2020

Donald Trump goes off the rails, begins hurling weird insults at his own kids

By Bill Palmer | Apr 21, 2020

Katie Porter throws down the gauntlet

By Bill Palmer | Apr 21, 2020

Donald Trump is heading for a fall

By Shirley Kennedy | Apr 21, 2020

This is just sad

By Bill Palmer | Apr 21, 2020

Joe Biden just got some really good news

By Bill Palmer | Apr 21, 2020

Hey Donald Trump, what happened?

By Bill Palmer | Apr 21, 2020

No wonder Donald Trump’s allies have been trying to force GOP Senator Richard Burr to resign

By Bill Palmer | Apr 21, 2020

Take that, Bill Barr!

By Bill Palmer | Apr 21, 2020

Donald Trump’s “Morning Psycho” meltdown isn’t exactly going over well

By Bill Palmer | Apr 21, 2020

Donald Trump just went completely off a cliff

By Bill Palmer | Apr 21, 2020

Donald Trump’s idiot press secretary Kayleigh McEnany would like to have this tweet back

By Bill Palmer | Apr 21, 2020

I’m not with stupid

By Robert Harrington | Apr 21, 2020

The real reason Donald Trump is suddenly trying to ban immigration

By Bill Palmer | Apr 21, 2020

Everyone piles on after Ted Cruz goes completely off the deep end

By Bill Palmer | Apr 21, 2020

Stacey Abrams slam dunks Georgia’s idiot Governor Brian Kemp

By Bill Palmer | Apr 21, 2020

Donald Trump just got steamrolled by Ted Lieu

By Bill Palmer | Apr 20, 2020

Donald Trump probably shouldn’t have told this particular lie about Kim Jong Un

By Bill Palmer | Apr 20, 2020

Donald Trump’s new press secretary Kayleigh McEnany just made a complete fool of herself

By Bill Palmer | Apr 20, 2020

Kim Jong Un is reportedly near death tonight

By Bill Palmer | Apr 20, 2020

Former federal prosecutor says Donald Trump is committing “negligent genocide”

By Bill Palmer | Apr 20, 2020

Donald Trump just stepped in it

By Bill Palmer | Apr 20, 2020

Donald Trump isn’t even trying to hide it

By Bill Palmer | Apr 20, 2020

Donald Trump’s latest press briefing is already off to a disastrous start

By Bill Palmer | Apr 20, 2020

Something doesn’t add up about these “reopen” protests

By Bill Palmer | Apr 20, 2020

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