Looks like I was right about Dr. Birx

By Bill Palmer | Apr 23, 2020

Denial is no way to go through life

By Robert Harrington | Apr 23, 2020

Andrew Cuomo just destroyed Mitch McConnell

By Bill Palmer | Apr 23, 2020

Bill Barr is bluffing

By Bill Palmer | Apr 23, 2020

Turns out Donald Trump scrapped the program that could have protected nursing homes from coronavirus

By James Sullivan | Apr 23, 2020

Free Reality Winner!

By Bill Palmer | Apr 23, 2020

Kamala Harris draws a line in the sand

By Bill Palmer | Apr 23, 2020

Nancy Pelosi just dropped the hammer on Mitch McConnell

By Bill Palmer | Apr 23, 2020

Andrew Cuomo isn’t messing around

By Bill Palmer | Apr 23, 2020

Nancy Pelosi just took a blowtorch to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Apr 23, 2020

Eric Swalwell comes out swinging

By Bill Palmer | Apr 22, 2020

Dr. Birx has jumped the shark

By Bill Palmer | Apr 22, 2020

This new TV ad is just devastating for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Apr 22, 2020

Rachel Maddow just nailed it

By Bill Palmer | Apr 22, 2020

Donald Trump just made things even worse for himself

By Bill Palmer | Apr 22, 2020

Brian Kemp fires back after Donald Trump throws him under the bus

By Bill Palmer | Apr 22, 2020

Everything you’re hearing about Joe Biden right now is wrong

By Bill Palmer | Apr 22, 2020

The CNN and MSNBC chyrons are trolling Donald Trump’s press briefing in hilarious fashion

By Bill Palmer | Apr 22, 2020

President Obama just threw shade at Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Apr 22, 2020

Donald Trump just threw Georgia Governor Brian Kemp under the bus

By Bill Palmer | Apr 22, 2020

Donald Trump’s latest press briefing is already a flaming dumpster fire from hell

By Bill Palmer | Apr 22, 2020

Whistleblower Dr. Bright comes forward in Donald Trump’s hydroxychloroquine scandal coverup

By Bill Palmer | Apr 22, 2020

Another one bites the dust

By Bill Palmer | Apr 22, 2020

Las Vegas Mayor Goodman is trying to commit homicide. Lock her up!

By Bill Palmer | Apr 22, 2020

Everyone piles on after Donald Trump has crazed meltdown about flying boats

By Bill Palmer | Apr 22, 2020

Lindsey Graham gets slam dunked by his Democratic challenger Jaime Harrison

By Bill Palmer | Apr 22, 2020

Donald Trump has a whole new problem

By James Sullivan | Apr 22, 2020

Donald Trump’s stooge Brian Kemp goes completely off the rails

By Shirley Kennedy | Apr 22, 2020

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