Donald Trump just broke himself

By Bill Palmer | Apr 24, 2020

Donald Trump’s hydroxychloroquine scandal just took a much uglier turn

By Bill Palmer | Apr 24, 2020

Donald Trump throws utterly bizarre Twitter tantrum

By Bill Palmer | Apr 24, 2020

Captain Brett Crozier just got some good news

By Bill Palmer | Apr 24, 2020

Donald Trump just cut and ran

By Bill Palmer | Apr 24, 2020

This is just embarrassing

By Bill Palmer | Apr 24, 2020

Donald Trump gets taken to the cleaners

By Bill Palmer | Apr 24, 2020

Now we know where Donald Trump got his insane “disinfectant” idea from

By Bill Palmer | Apr 24, 2020

Donald Trump’s Surgeon General Jerome Adams throws up his hands

By Bill Palmer | Apr 24, 2020

Joe Biden drops the hammer on Donald Trump’s disinfectant idiocy

By Bill Palmer | Apr 24, 2020

Lysol has had enough of Donald Trump’s crap

By Bill Palmer | Apr 24, 2020

The year the earth stood still

By Robert Harrington | Apr 24, 2020

Donald Trump Jr has completely berserk on-air meltdown as it all falls apart for him and his family

By Bill Palmer | Apr 24, 2020

Donald Trump just threw Brian Kemp even further under the bus

By Shirley Kennedy | Apr 24, 2020

The Trump Delusion

By Robert Harrington | Apr 24, 2020

Donald Trump is a man without a plan

By Bill Palmer | Apr 24, 2020

The look on Doctor Birx’s face says it all

By Bill Palmer | Apr 24, 2020

Exposed: Donald Trump’s own babysitters admit he’s even further gone than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Apr 24, 2020

Rudy Giuliani goes totally off the deep end

By Bill Palmer | Apr 23, 2020

Joe Biden slam dunks flaming idiot Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Apr 23, 2020

Adam Schiff is having none of Donald Trump’s crap

By Bill Palmer | Apr 23, 2020

Fox News hits the panic button as Joe Biden pulls ahead of Donald Trump in every swing state

By Ron Leshnower | Apr 23, 2020

Mitch McConnell is on the ropes. Don’t let him off the hook.

By Bill Palmer | Apr 23, 2020

Sean Hannity suddenly has a big problem

By James Sullivan | Apr 23, 2020

Donald Trump goes berserk as his press briefing completely falls apart

By Bill Palmer | Apr 23, 2020

Donald Trump goes completely off the deep end during his latest disastrous press briefing

By Bill Palmer | Apr 23, 2020

Donald Trump’s new HHS spokesman Michael Caputo caught deleting deranged racist tweets

By Bill Palmer | Apr 23, 2020

Help! My son is locked in a coronavirus-infected Texas prison

By Wrenda Waters | Apr 23, 2020

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