Donald Trump just got hit with some really bad news

By Ron Leshnower | Apr 26, 2020

Donald Trump’s latest coronavirus stunt is unconscionable

By Bill Palmer | Apr 26, 2020

Here comes Donald Trump’s biggest meltdown yet

By Bill Palmer | Apr 26, 2020

Lindsey Graham gets ripped to shreds

By Bill Palmer | Apr 25, 2020

Geraldo Rivera goes off the deep end as Donald Trump unravels

By Bill Palmer | Apr 25, 2020

Donald Trump has run out of people to blame for the fact that he sucks

By Bill Palmer | Apr 25, 2020

Told you Donald Trump’s HHS Secretary Alex Azar was a goner

By Bill Palmer | Apr 25, 2020

What’s really going on with Kim Jong Un and North Korea

By BD Holly | Apr 25, 2020

President Obama comes out swinging on behalf of Joe Biden

By Bill Palmer | Apr 25, 2020

Kim Jong Un reportedly in worse condition than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Apr 25, 2020

Donald Trump would like to have this tweet back

By Bill Palmer | Apr 25, 2020

Sorry, Donald Trump, it’s too late now

By Bill Palmer | Apr 25, 2020

Maxine Waters rips Donald Trump to pieces

By Bill Palmer | Apr 25, 2020

Donald Trump just waved the white flag on his press briefings

By Bill Palmer | Apr 25, 2020

Donald Trump has completely bonkers meltdown about Dr. Birx

By Bill Palmer | Apr 25, 2020

Legal expert explains why it’s literally impossible for Donald Trump to postpone the election

By Bill Palmer | Apr 25, 2020

This new TV ad is devastating to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Apr 25, 2020

The Kim Jong Un death watch saga takes yet another strange turn

By Bill Palmer | Apr 25, 2020

When a president’s personality disorder becomes lethal

By Robert Harrington | Apr 25, 2020

Donald Trump just gave away his real reason for trying to squeeze the Post Office – and it’s not about the election

By Bill Palmer | Apr 25, 2020

Andrew Cuomo just put the spotlight on a true hero

By Bill Palmer | Apr 25, 2020

Now we know why Donald Trump suddenly went soft on China

By Bill Palmer | Apr 25, 2020

The Kim Jong Un saga has taken another strange turn tonight

By Bill Palmer | Apr 24, 2020

Donald Trump is going to hate this

By Bill Palmer | Apr 24, 2020

The damage has already begun

By Bill Palmer | Apr 24, 2020

Someone should tell Donald Trump Junior it’s over for him

By Bill Palmer | Apr 24, 2020

Donald Trump’s handlers begin laying the groundwork for his failing health

By Bill Palmer | Apr 24, 2020

Donald Trump’s idiot press secretary Kayleigh McEnany throws tantrum after press briefing goes awry

By Bill Palmer | Apr 24, 2020

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