Donald Trump hits the panic button as it all goes wrong for him

By Bill Palmer | Apr 30, 2020

Legal experts confirm that the allegations against Joe Biden aren’t remotely credible

By Bill Palmer | Apr 30, 2020

Karen Pence caught in a huge lie while trying to cover for Mike Pence

By Bill Palmer | Apr 30, 2020

Donald Trump’s stooge Martha McSally is in big trouble

By James Sullivan | Apr 30, 2020

A brief history of stupid

By Robert Harrington | Apr 30, 2020

This just keeps getting stupider

By Bill Palmer | Apr 30, 2020

Donald Trump is having a really bad night

By Bill Palmer | Apr 30, 2020

Donald Trump goes completely berserk about Brian Williams of all people

By Bill Palmer | Apr 30, 2020

Donald Trump has completely deranged late night meltdown over Michael Flynn

By Bill Palmer | Apr 29, 2020

Chris Hayes gets destroyed for running dishonest story about Joe Biden

By Bill Palmer | Apr 29, 2020

Donald Trump’s stooge Kevin McCarthy gets ripped to pieces

By Bill Palmer | Apr 29, 2020

The silence is eerie

By Bill Palmer | Apr 29, 2020

Sorry Donald Trump, that’s not how anything works

By Bill Palmer | Apr 29, 2020

Justin Amash is deranged

By Bill Palmer | Apr 29, 2020

Donald Trump angrily lashes out as his poll numbers collapse

By Bill Palmer | Apr 29, 2020

Donald Trump is getting more desperate by the hour

By Bill Palmer | Apr 29, 2020

Jared Kushner is playing with fire

By Bill Palmer | Apr 29, 2020

Donald Trump has bizarre reaction to Justin Amash’s third party candidacy

By Bill Palmer | Apr 29, 2020

Andrew Cuomo slam dunks Mitch McConnell

By Bill Palmer | Apr 29, 2020

The better angels of our nature

By Robert Harrington | Apr 29, 2020

The Roger Stone WikiLeaks conspiracy just took a remarkably ugly turn involving Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Apr 29, 2020

For Donald Trump, the Lysol drinking has begun

By Bill Palmer | Apr 28, 2020

Mike Pence just made it even worse for himself

By Bill Palmer | Apr 28, 2020

Justin Amash gets destroyed by all sides after announcing potential presidential campaign

By Bill Palmer | Apr 28, 2020

The real reason Donald Trump is invoking the Defense Production Act for meat processing plants

By Bill Palmer | Apr 28, 2020

Joe Biden just won big

By Bill Palmer | Apr 28, 2020

Donald Trump just stepped in it

By Bill Palmer | Apr 28, 2020

Mike Pence gives completely asinine response when he’s cornered about not wearing a mask at Mayo Clinic

By Bill Palmer | Apr 28, 2020

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