This is delusional, even for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 1, 2020

That howling sound you’re hearing is coming from the Oval Office

By TR Kenneth | May 1, 2020

Donald Trump just pulled a ridiculous stunt involving Dr. Fauci

By Daniel Cotter | May 1, 2020

Donald Trump Jr goes off the deep end about the most ridiculous thing possible

By Bill Palmer | May 1, 2020

Saw that one coming

By Bill Palmer | May 1, 2020

Georgia and Texas are officially in play

By Bill Palmer | May 1, 2020

Kayleigh McEnany gets ripped to shreds after her first press briefing

By Bill Palmer | May 1, 2020

Conservative columnist defends Joe Biden

By Bill Palmer | May 1, 2020

Donald Trump’s stooge Rick Scott gets slam dunked

By Bill Palmer | May 1, 2020

Lindsey Graham goes off the deep end as his reelection prospects face more trouble

By James Sullivan | May 1, 2020

Donald Trump’s new press secretary Kayleigh McEnany just gave something away during her first briefing

By Bill Palmer | May 1, 2020

Eric Swalwell comes out swinging

By Bill Palmer | May 1, 2020

The Kim Jong Un death watch saga just took a surreal turn

By Bill Palmer | May 1, 2020

Donald Trump just made a move to try to silence Dr. Fauci

By Bill Palmer | May 1, 2020

Donald Trump is lazy and stupid

By Robert Harrington | May 1, 2020

What did Bill Barr just do to Michael Cohen?

By Bill Palmer | May 1, 2020

Donald Trump’s hydroxychloroquine scandal takes new turn after one of his stooges accidentally emails the wrong person

By Bill Palmer | May 1, 2020

Joe Biden just nailed it

By Bill Palmer | May 1, 2020

Donald Trump goes off the deep end about man who died from ingesting chloroquine

By Bill Palmer | May 1, 2020

Donald Trump crashes and burns

By Shirley Kennedy | May 1, 2020

Here comes Donald Trump’s “very fine people on both sides” routine again

By Bill Palmer | May 1, 2020

Sorry, Trump and Pence, this one isn’t going away

By Bill Palmer | Apr 30, 2020

This is deranged, even for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Apr 30, 2020

Donald Trump has berserk profane meltdown when he realizes how badly he’s losing to Joe Biden

By Bill Palmer | Apr 30, 2020

Donald Trump Jr just stepped in it

By Bill Palmer | Apr 30, 2020

Mike Pence resorts to making threats at his mask scandal explodes

By Bill Palmer | Apr 30, 2020

Turns out Donald Trump was lying about Kim Jong Un’s health

By Bill Palmer | Apr 30, 2020

Donald Trump just held one of his most bizarre press events yet

By Bill Palmer | Apr 30, 2020

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