Donald Trump gets zinged over Adderall allegations

By Bill Palmer | May 6, 2020

Donald Trump is fading before our eyes

By Bill Palmer | May 6, 2020

When it rains on Donald Trump, it pours

By Bill Palmer | May 6, 2020

Donald Trump Jr just struck out

By Bill Palmer | May 6, 2020

Donald Trump’s stooge Joni Ernst is in real trouble

By Bill Palmer | May 6, 2020

Jimmy Kimmel sticks it to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 6, 2020

Joe Biden takes a stand in the racist murder of Ahmaud Arbery

By Bill Palmer | May 5, 2020

Ted Cruz has complete meltdown about the stupidest thing possible

By Bill Palmer | May 5, 2020

Harvard professor slam dunks the failing Trump regime

By Bill Palmer | May 5, 2020

Rick Wilson just stomped all over Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 5, 2020

Rachel Maddow just destroyed Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 5, 2020

Formal complaint filed against Jared Kushner

By Bill Palmer | May 5, 2020

Donald Trump can’t handle a taste of his own medicine

By Bill Palmer | May 5, 2020

Donald Trump has bizarre “Live and Let Die” incident

By Bill Palmer | May 5, 2020

Donald Trump crashes and burns during David Muir interview

By Bill Palmer | May 5, 2020

Donald Trump is having his “Mission accomplished” moment – and it’s a disaster for him

By Bill Palmer | May 5, 2020

Get your popcorn: whistleblower Dr. Rick Bright is testifying against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 5, 2020

Donald Trump goes berserk about Jimmy Kimmel, ends up getting dunked on

By Bill Palmer | May 5, 2020

Donald Trump may have just given away his Sudafed habit

By Bill Palmer | May 5, 2020

Donald Trump just can’t let it go, digs himself an even deeper hole

By Bill Palmer | May 5, 2020

Crazy like a Fox News host

By Robert Harrington | May 5, 2020

Ted Lieu rips the Trump MAGA crowd to pieces

By Bill Palmer | May 5, 2020

Joe Biden just took a big swing

By James Sullivan | May 5, 2020

Is Donald Trump’s pump and dump scheme finally unraveling?

By Bill Palmer | May 5, 2020


By Daniel Cotter | May 5, 2020

Donald Trump has unhinged meltdown about Kellyanne Conway, Rick Wilson, and Egg McMuffins

By Bill Palmer | May 5, 2020

Sean Hannity hits the panic button

By Bill Palmer | May 5, 2020

Trump would sure like to have this tweet back

By Bill Palmer | May 5, 2020

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