This is just ugly

By Ron Leshnower | May 9, 2020

Joe Biden is already doing Donald Trump’s job for him

By Shirley Kennedy | May 9, 2020

There’s a Trump tweet for everything

By Bill Palmer | May 9, 2020

The Trump White House is starting to look like a coronavirus hotspot

By Bill Palmer | May 9, 2020

Ted Cruz just got his butt handed to him

By Bill Palmer | May 9, 2020

Joe Biden just got a major boost

By James Sullivan | May 8, 2020

This new TV ad is the last thing Donald Trump needs

By Bill Palmer | May 8, 2020

Axl Rose just got the last laugh at Steve Mnuchin

By Bill Palmer | May 8, 2020

Donald Trump just floated the most insane reason possible for why he can’t infect other people with coronavirus

By Bill Palmer | May 8, 2020

Even more people in Donald Trump administration test positive for coronavirus

By Bill Palmer | May 8, 2020

New leak reveals the stunning extent of Donald Trump’s coronavirus crisis coverup

By Bill Palmer | May 8, 2020

Donald Trump makes surreal remark about his mother, gives something away

By Bill Palmer | May 8, 2020

Donald Trump just had a humiliating senile moment in front of the cameras

By Bill Palmer | May 8, 2020

Looks like Donald Trump just committed a serious HIPAA violation

By Bill Palmer | May 8, 2020

Is this how the coronavirus is spreading through Donald Trump’s White House?

By Bill Palmer | May 8, 2020

Stephen Miller’s wife Katie Miller tests positive as coronavirus spreads through Trump White House

By Bill Palmer | May 8, 2020

Donald Trump would like to have this tweet back about Michael Flynn

By Bill Palmer | May 8, 2020

The ceiling is caving in on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 8, 2020

This is beyond ridiculous

By Robert Harrington | May 8, 2020

For the last time, Donald Trump can’t magically rig the election by killing off the Post Office

By Bill Palmer | May 8, 2020

This is about to get REALLY ugly

By Bill Palmer | May 8, 2020

Donald Trump is going to hate this

By Bill Palmer | May 8, 2020

Donald Trump just had an absolutely terrible day, and we were too busy sulking to notice

By Bill Palmer | May 8, 2020

GOP Senator Kelly Loeffler hits the panic button as she falls severely behind in reelection bid

By Bill Palmer | May 7, 2020

Nice try, Mike Pence, you buffoon!

By Bill Palmer | May 7, 2020

Donald Trump’s new press secretary Kayleigh McEnany has a whole new problem

By Bill Palmer | May 7, 2020

Brad Parscale is an idiot

By James Sullivan | May 7, 2020

Donald Trump’s campaign manager is completely losing it as the campaign unravels

By Bill Palmer | May 7, 2020

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