Surreal new twist in Donald Trump’s unraveling Michael Flynn stunt

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2020

Donald Trump is having a really stupid day so far

By Daniel Cotter | May 14, 2020

Donald Trump completely humiliates himself during Allentown visit

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2020

President Obama just dropped an iconic tweet on Donald Trump’s head

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2020

#YOMAMAGATE takes over Twitter as everyone dunks on Donald Trump for his Obamagate idiocy

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2020

Told you there was something off about the FBI investigation of Senator Richard Burr

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2020

Donald Trump’s senility continues to worsen

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2020

The hypocrisy of Donald Trump’s base is off the charts

By Robert Harrington | May 14, 2020

Talk about missing the target

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2020

Mitch McConnell told President Obama to keep his mouth shut. President Obama didn’t listen to him.

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2020

Donald Trump Jr has completely lost whatever marbles he might have had left

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2020

GOP Senator Kelly Loeffler probably isn’t getting much sleep tonight

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2020

Former GOP Congressman rips Donald Trump’s “Obamagate” nonsense to shreds

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2020

He knows he’s losing

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2020

Sean Hannity goes berserk as everything falls apart for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2020

Here we go with Donald Trump and Dr. Fauci

By Bill Palmer | May 13, 2020

So that explains it

By Bill Palmer | May 13, 2020

FBI carries out search warrant against Republican Senator Richard Burr

By Bill Palmer | May 13, 2020

Rob Reiner just dropped the hammer on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 13, 2020

So much for Bill Barr

By Bill Palmer | May 13, 2020

Donald Trump’s “Obamagate” stunt implodes

By Bill Palmer | May 13, 2020

What is going on with Rand Paul?

By Bill Palmer | May 13, 2020

Mitch McConnell just got put in his place

By Bill Palmer | May 13, 2020

Bill Barr’s Michael Flynn stunt just totally blew up in his face

By Bill Palmer | May 13, 2020

Nikki Haley had it coming

By Bill Palmer | May 13, 2020

Hey Donald Trump, unmask this!

By Bill Palmer | May 13, 2020

Donald Trump’s stooge Dr. Ronny Jackson goes completely off the deep end

By Bill Palmer | May 13, 2020

Donald Trump’s latest Paul Manafort stunt just gave something away

By Bill Palmer | May 13, 2020

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