Donald Trump picks weird fight with Mitch McConnell as his presidency falls apart

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2020

Donald Trump just got spanked

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2020

Donald Trump is going to hate this

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2020

Here comes Donald Trump’s deranged meltdown about Mitt Romney

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2020

Donald Trump Jr goes off the psychotic deep end, tries to walk it back, makes it even worse

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2020

Eric Trump just stepped in it

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2020

This is absolutely devastating for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2020

President Obama and Joe Biden just nailed it

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2020

Hey Donald Trump, what happened?

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2020

Donald Trump posts creepy and bizarre tweet about White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2020

#OBAMAGREAT begins trending as President Obama puts Donald Trump to shame

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2020

President Obama just dropped the mic

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2020

Donald Trump is going to hate this video that Bill Pullman just made

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2020

The Lincoln Project is back, and Donald Trump is going to absolutely hate this

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2020

Donald Trump isn’t ready for what’s about to happen to him

By TR Kenneth | May 16, 2020

Donald Trump posts unbelievably creepy video of himself imitating Bill Pullman while Ted Cruz cries

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2020

Donald Trump is already melting down about President Obama’s commencement speech

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2020

Donald Trump just gave something away about how afraid he is of Joe Biden

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2020

Democratic Congressman Tim Ryan delivers blistering takedown of Republican ignorance

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2020

Justin Amash cuts and runs

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2020

Donald Trump is rattled

By TR Kenneth | May 16, 2020

Flies are attracted to excrement

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2020

Donald Trump just got eaten alive

By James Sullivan | May 16, 2020


By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2020

What happened to Mike Pence?

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2020

Donald Trump Jr just stepped in it

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2020

Even Donald Trump’s CDC Director admits we’re screwed

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2020

Mike Pompeo’s State Department stunt just ensured he’s going to prison if Trump loses the election

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2020

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