Donald Trump just scapegoated Mike Pompeo

By Bill Palmer | May 18, 2020

Should have seen that coming

By Bill Palmer | May 18, 2020

Donald Trump is going to hate what Bill Barr just did to him

By Bill Palmer | May 18, 2020

This is devastating for Donald Trump

By Shirley Kennedy | May 18, 2020

Former Republican comes out swinging in support of Joe Biden

By Bill Palmer | May 18, 2020

This is bad news

By BD Holly | May 18, 2020

I’m tired of America being held hostage by a family of creepy weirdos

By Bill Palmer | May 18, 2020

Arnold Schwarzenegger slams Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 18, 2020

GOP Senator Ben Sasse goes off the deep end in deranged speech to high school kids

By Bill Palmer | May 18, 2020

Donald Trump’s officials begin publicly sniping at each other as it all falls apart

By Bill Palmer | May 18, 2020

George Conway just ripped Donald Trump a new one

By Bill Palmer | May 18, 2020

Jake Tapper just dropped the hammer on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2020

Mike Pompeo’s Inspector General scandal just got even uglier for him

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2020

Donald Trump tries calling in to live golf tournament broadcast and it blows up in his face

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2020

Donald Trump just picked a bizarre fight with Susan Collins, and they’re both going to lose

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2020

Donald Trump has psychotic meltdown after whistleblower against him appears on 60 Minutes

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2020

Eric Trump just dug an even deeper hole for himself

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2020

The Matrix director curses out Ivanka Trump for daring to quote The Matrix

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2020

Donald Trump admits he’s “vain” and “insensitive” in bizarre exchange with lunatic James Woods

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2020

Joe Biden hits back at Eric Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2020

Susan Collins is having a really bad day

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2020

Fox News just got reamed

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2020

Donald Trump has complete meltdown after President Obama’s commencement speech

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2020

Donald Trump’s Georgia stooge Brian Kemp has a whole new problem

By Ron Leshnower | May 17, 2020

This new TV ad is a gut punch to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2020

Joe Biden just nailed Donald Trump

By James Sullivan | May 17, 2020

There goes that argument

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2020

Donald Trump is slipping

By BD Holly | May 17, 2020

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