Donald Trump changes his tune about taking hydroxychloroquine as his story begins to unravel

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2020

The Lincoln Project just dropped the hammer on one of Donald Trump’s top people

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2020

Kamala Harris destroys Donald Trump over his crime spree, tells him he needs to talk to a lawyer

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2020

Joe Biden just made a brilliant new campaign hire

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2020

Kellyanne Conway has psychotic meltdown as it all falls apart for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2020

The Blue Wave continues

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2020

No, the Supreme Court did NOT rule against giving Mueller Report evidence to the House

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2020

Mika goes nuclear against Donald Trump after he falsely accuses Morning Joe of murder

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2020

Donald Trump’s latest anti-Obama stunt is pathetic even for him

By Robert Harrington | May 20, 2020

Martina Navratilova rips Donald Trump a new one

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2020

Donald Trump is taking the GOP down with him

By Shirley Kennedy | May 20, 2020

Maxine Waters drops the hammer on “unhinged” Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2020

We told you something wasn’t right with the Trump DOJ’s investigation into Richard Burr

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2020

Ted Cruz is having a really bad night

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2020

Let’s talk about Donald Trump’s resume

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2020

This idiot just doesn’t do his homework

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2020

Everyone piles on after “Obamagate” blows up in Donald Trump’s face

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2020

Devastating new ad casts Donald Trump as drug dealer who gets put in his place

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2020

Donald Trump’s GOP allies in Congress just got burned something fierce

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2020

Donald Trump just hit the panic button

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2020

Elizabeth Warren just destroyed Steve Mnuchin

By Bill Palmer | May 19, 2020

Donald Trump’s stooge Kevin McCarthy just got obliterated

By Bill Palmer | May 19, 2020

Susan Rice fires back at Donald Trump after his declassification stunt backfires on him

By Bill Palmer | May 19, 2020

Donald Trump’s obsession with President Obama just catastrophically blew up in his face

By Bill Palmer | May 19, 2020

“What in God’s name is he doing?” Donald Trump gets ripped to pieces for his drug abuse confession

By Bill Palmer | May 19, 2020

Rachel Maddow just nailed it

By Bill Palmer | May 19, 2020

Trump stooge Ron DeSantis has a whole new problem

By Ron Leshnower | May 19, 2020

Donald Trump just doubled down on his hydroxychloroquine mess in the dumbest way possible

By Bill Palmer | May 19, 2020

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Note from Bill Palmer: With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!