Joe Biden just scored a big win

By James Sullivan | May 28, 2020

What a little man you are, Donald Trump

By Robert Harrington | May 28, 2020

Donald Trump’s new nightmare

By Shirley Kennedy | May 28, 2020

Donald Trump isn’t the one with the leverage here

By Bill Palmer | May 28, 2020

Everyone piles on after Donald Trump takes pathetic swing and miss

By Bill Palmer | May 28, 2020

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey fires back at Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 28, 2020

Ted Cruz just got destroyed

By Bill Palmer | May 27, 2020

Kamala Harris just dunked on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 27, 2020

Donald Trump throws #ExecutiveOrder tantrum after Twitter refuses to cave to him

By Bill Palmer | May 27, 2020

GOP caught trying to hide coronavirus outbreak within Pennsylvania House of Representatives

By Bill Palmer | May 27, 2020

Fox News stooge Lou Dobbs goes completely off the deep end as Donald Trump unravels

By Bill Palmer | May 27, 2020

George Conway just stomped all over Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 27, 2020

Donald Trump signs idiotic new executive order aimed at punishing Twitter

By Bill Palmer | May 27, 2020

Oops: Rush Limbaugh just gave away Donald Trump’s game

By Bill Palmer | May 27, 2020

Donald Trump whines and cries about how “unfair” it is that his campaign is falling apart

By Bill Palmer | May 27, 2020

Kellyanne Conway’s “cupcake” meltdown goes completely off the rails

By Bill Palmer | May 27, 2020

Mitt Romney slam dunks Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 27, 2020

The #TrumpMeltdown continues as Donald Trump threatens to shut down Twitter entirely

By Bill Palmer | May 27, 2020

I hate Donald Trump

By Robert Harrington | May 27, 2020

Wall Street Journal rips Donald Trump to pieces

By Bill Palmer | May 27, 2020

Mitch McConnell has a whole new problem

By Shirley Kennedy | May 27, 2020

There’s something really alarming about how Donald Trump keeps threatening to poison himself

By Bill Palmer | May 27, 2020

Donald Trump’s house of cards is falling apart in real time

By Bill Palmer | May 27, 2020

Donald Trump goes completely bonkers at the end of one of his worst days yet

By Bill Palmer | May 27, 2020

The Lincoln Project just did it to Donald Trump again

By Bill Palmer | May 26, 2020

Joe Scarborough just had the perfect response to Donald Trump’s insane lies about him

By Bill Palmer | May 26, 2020

Joe Biden obliterates Donald Trump with just three words

By Bill Palmer | May 26, 2020

Donald Trump is going to HATE this

By Bill Palmer | May 26, 2020

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Note from Bill Palmer: With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!