Donald Trump’s comeuppance is coming

By TR Kenneth | May 29, 2020

Donald Trump holds disastrous press conference, refuses to take questions, leaves

By Bill Palmer | May 29, 2020

Donald Trump goes into panic mode, tries and fails to spin his violent tweet after Twitter buries it

By Bill Palmer | May 29, 2020

Taylor Swift vows to help take Donald Trump down

By Bill Palmer | May 29, 2020

Twitter just buried a White House tweet too

By Bill Palmer | May 29, 2020

GOP Senators panic as Donald Trump threatens to take them down with him

By James Sullivan | May 29, 2020

Beto O’Rourke comes out swinging

By Bill Palmer | May 29, 2020

I alone can fix it

By Bill Palmer | May 29, 2020

Twitter explains why it decided to hide Donald Trump’s violent tweet from view

By Bill Palmer | May 29, 2020

Twitter hides Donald Trump’s “the shooting starts” tweet from view, says it violates rules by glorifying violence

By Bill Palmer | May 29, 2020

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey fires back after Donald Trump goes on insane late night Twitter rampage

By Bill Palmer | May 29, 2020

#donaldisoverparty begins trending as everyone tells Donald Trump to go to hell

By Bill Palmer | May 29, 2020

Ice-T slams Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 29, 2020

Ted Lieu rips Donald Trump to pieces over his “THE SHOOTING STARTS” debacle

By Bill Palmer | May 29, 2020

Mother of all landslides

By Bill Palmer | May 29, 2020

Donald Trump makes difficult Minneapolis situation even worse with deranged late night meltdown

By Bill Palmer | May 29, 2020

The Lincoln Project just became an even bigger nightmare for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 29, 2020

This is absolutely devastating to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 28, 2020

Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr slam dunks Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 28, 2020

Joe Biden just took his mask game to a whole new level

By Bill Palmer | May 28, 2020

House Oversight Committee to Donald Trump: delete your account!

By Bill Palmer | May 28, 2020

Mike Pence’s chief of staff caught in HUGE scandal

By Bill Palmer | May 28, 2020

Donald Trump has surreal all-caps meltdown, gives away something important

By Bill Palmer | May 28, 2020

Don Lemon just kicked Donald Trump’s racist butt

By Bill Palmer | May 28, 2020

Turns out Donald Trump’s anti-Twitter executive order is all about Vladimir Putin

By Bill Palmer | May 28, 2020

Donald Trump suddenly has a red state problem

By Bill Palmer | May 28, 2020

Eric Swalwell just destroyed Donald Trump’s stooge Richard Grenell

By Bill Palmer | May 28, 2020

Donald Trump goes berserk as his war with Twitter backfires on him

By Bill Palmer | May 28, 2020

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Note from Bill Palmer: With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!