Turns out Donald Trump’s latest G7 summit stunt is all about Vladimir Putin

By Bill Palmer | May 31, 2020

Donald Trump’s “MAGA Night” just went bust

By Bill Palmer | May 31, 2020

Donald Trump is hiding under his desk

By Bill Palmer | May 31, 2020

It all comes down to this

By Bill Palmer | May 31, 2020

Joe Biden drops the hammer on Donald Trump’s “tantrum”

By Bill Palmer | May 30, 2020

Violent monster Donald Trump just tried to make things even worse tonight

By Bill Palmer | May 30, 2020

MSNBC host Joshua Johnson just destroyed Donald Trump live on air

By Bill Palmer | May 30, 2020

Donald Trump behaves like a jerk while on the phone with George Floyd’s brother

By Bill Palmer | May 30, 2020

Donald Trump has completely senile incident during SpaceX rocket launch

By Bill Palmer | May 30, 2020

Kamala Harris joins protest outside Trump White House

By Bill Palmer | May 30, 2020

Donald Trump’s crazy train goes off the rails

By James Sullivan | May 30, 2020

This is just plain ugly for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 30, 2020

Donald, you are a stupid, stupid man

By Robert Harrington | May 30, 2020

The real reason Donald Trump just tweeted “MAGA NIGHT AT THE WHITE HOUSE”

By Bill Palmer | May 30, 2020

The real reason this is such a blow for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 30, 2020

Anthony Scaramucci just nailed Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 30, 2020

The only solution in all this

By Bill Palmer | May 30, 2020

Joe Biden is on a roll

By Bill Palmer | May 29, 2020

Donald Trump gets mocked after declaring that it’s “time for a change” in 2020

By Bill Palmer | May 29, 2020

General McCaffrey rips Donald Trump a new one

By Bill Palmer | May 29, 2020

Ted Lieu just destroyed Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 29, 2020

Mike Pence gets told off by NFL football star Eric Reid

By Bill Palmer | May 29, 2020

Oh Rudy…

By Bill Palmer | May 29, 2020

Mitch McConnell is trying to hurry up and finish the job

By Ron Leshnower | May 29, 2020

Told you Michael Flynn committed treason

By Bill Palmer | May 29, 2020

I hate the followers of Donald Trump

By Robert Harrington | May 29, 2020

Lifelong Republican explains why he’s voting for Joe Biden and against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 29, 2020

Donald Trump pulls a Karen

By Daniel Cotter | May 29, 2020

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Note from Bill Palmer: With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!