President Obama is giving a town hall speech later today: here’s how to watch

By Bill Palmer | Jun 3, 2020

You had your chance

By Ron Leshnower | Jun 3, 2020

Richard Painter slams “wimp” Mitch McConnell

By Bill Palmer | Jun 3, 2020

Donald Trump just got some ugly news out of the Indiana primary

By James Sullivan | Jun 3, 2020

The tide is turning

By Bill Palmer | Jun 3, 2020

Time to pick a side

By Bill Palmer | Jun 3, 2020

Living legend Carl Reiner vows to help take Donald Trump down

By Bill Palmer | Jun 3, 2020

Donald Trump has completely berserk late night meltdown as everything goes wrong for him

By Bill Palmer | Jun 3, 2020

General Michael Hayden unloads on Donald Trump and his “asshole” Secretary of Defense Mark Esper

By Bill Palmer | Jun 3, 2020

Someone in the Trump White House just threw Ivanka Trump and Hope Hicks under the bus

By Bill Palmer | Jun 3, 2020

Racist republican Steve King loses his House seat

By Bill Palmer | Jun 2, 2020

Senile Donald Trump gets confused on Twitter, yells “You got it wrong!” at himself

By Bill Palmer | Jun 2, 2020

Donald Trump’s Secretary of Defense Mark Esper hits the panic button over disastrous church photo op

By Bill Palmer | Jun 2, 2020

Even Pat Robertson is ripping Donald Trump to pieces

By Bill Palmer | Jun 2, 2020

Are those Blackwater troops patrolling Washington DC right now?

By Bill Palmer | Jun 2, 2020

Admiral Mike Mullen drops the hammer on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 2, 2020

Everyone piles on after Donald Trump posts insane tweet about the “Black Community”

By Bill Palmer | Jun 2, 2020

Donald Trump’s disapproval rating is now the worst of any U.S. President in the history of polling

By Bill Palmer | Jun 2, 2020

Even President George W. Bush has had enough of this crap

By Bill Palmer | Jun 2, 2020

Donald Trump just fenced himself in

By Bill Palmer | Jun 2, 2020

Donald Trump goes to hell

By Bill Palmer | Jun 2, 2020

Profile in cowardice

By Robert Harrington | Jun 2, 2020

Donald Trump’s reign of terror is coming to an end

By Shirley Kennedy | Jun 2, 2020

This is what scares Donald Trump the most

By Bill Palmer | Jun 2, 2020

Jake Tapper just blew up Donald Trump’s stooge Scott Walker

By Bill Palmer | Jun 2, 2020

Congressman calls on U.S. military to defy Donald Trump’s illegal orders

By Bill Palmer | Jun 2, 2020

#DicklessRapist hashtag takes over Twitter as everyone hammers Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 1, 2020

Washington DC is an absolute war zone tonight

By Bill Palmer | Jun 1, 2020

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Note from Bill Palmer: With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!