The Donald Trump – John Bolton saga is about to get a whole lot stupider

By Bill Palmer | Jun 7, 2020

Donald Trump’s bunker is getting awfully salty

By Bill Palmer | Jun 7, 2020

Germany piles on as Donald Trump falls to pieces

By James Sullivan | Jun 7, 2020

Hell freezes over: Mitt Romney is marching on the White House with Black Lives Matter protesters

By Bill Palmer | Jun 7, 2020


By Bill Palmer | Jun 7, 2020

General Michael Hayden just made abundantly clear how he feels about Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 7, 2020

When it rains it pours

By BD Holly | Jun 7, 2020

Hey Bill Barr, save it for the jury

By Bill Palmer | Jun 7, 2020

Donald Trump just caved

By Bill Palmer | Jun 7, 2020

Donald Trump goes berserk after Colin Powell announces he’s voting for Joe Biden

By Bill Palmer | Jun 7, 2020

The real reason today’s Colin Powell endorsement of Joe Biden is so important

By Bill Palmer | Jun 7, 2020

Why Donald Trump is losing so badly

By TR Kenneth | Jun 7, 2020

The real reason it’s so tricky right now to get rid of Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 7, 2020

Things just got really interesting in Arizona

By Bill Palmer | Jun 6, 2020

Rudy Giuliani completely, totally, maniacally loses it

By Ron Leshnower | Jun 6, 2020

Twitter just slapped a warning label on yet another of Donald Trump’s phony tweets

By Bill Palmer | Jun 6, 2020

Donald Trump has berserk meltdown about the protesters in Black Lives Matter Plaza

By Bill Palmer | Jun 6, 2020

This Melania Trump story is just bizarre

By Bill Palmer | Jun 6, 2020

Donald Trump just gave away that he really is afraid to leave the White House

By Bill Palmer | Jun 6, 2020

Donald Trump goes bonkers in the bunker

By Bill Palmer | Jun 6, 2020

The swift unraveling of Donald Trump’s presidency

By BD Holly | Jun 6, 2020

Donald Trump just went into hiding again

By Bill Palmer | Jun 6, 2020

Drinking the Lysol

By Daniel Cotter | Jun 6, 2020

No wonder Donald Trump is starting to lose the Republican vote

By Bill Palmer | Jun 6, 2020

Why black lives matter

By Robert Harrington | Jun 6, 2020

Trump should have known better

By Bill Palmer | Jun 6, 2020

Donald Trump is having a pretty horrible horrible night

By Bill Palmer | Jun 6, 2020

Joe Biden just clinched it

By Bill Palmer | Jun 6, 2020

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Note from Bill Palmer: With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!