Stephen Miller just made Donald Trump’s mess even worse

By Bill Palmer | Jun 9, 2020

“Wickedness in high places” – Rev. Al Sharpton rips Donald Trump to pieces during George Floyd eulogy

By Bill Palmer | Jun 9, 2020

Andrew Cuomo just destroyed Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 9, 2020

Now Donald Trump has a whole other problem

By James Sullivan | Jun 9, 2020

Donald Trump has berserk meltdown about General James Mattis and Sebastian Gorka

By Bill Palmer | Jun 9, 2020

Donald Trump just got ratioed

By Bill Palmer | Jun 9, 2020

Donald Trump promotes bizarre OANN conspiracy about 75 year old police victim Martin Gugino, and all hell breaks loose

By Bill Palmer | Jun 9, 2020

Too little too late

By Shirley Kennedy | Jun 9, 2020

I’ll keep saying it until it sinks in

By Bill Palmer | Jun 9, 2020

Donald Trump is getting played

By Bill Palmer | Jun 9, 2020

Donald Trump’s Lisa Murkowski problem just got even uglier for him

By Bill Palmer | Jun 8, 2020

Donald Trump’s stooge Kayleigh McEnany just completely humiliated herself

By Daniel Cotter | Jun 8, 2020

How to finish Donald Trump off

By Bill Palmer | Jun 8, 2020

Bill Barr just screwed Donald Trump over

By Bill Palmer | Jun 8, 2020

Donald Trump is completely imploding as it all falls apart for him

By Bill Palmer | Jun 8, 2020

Joe Biden just showed us what real leadership looks like

By Bill Palmer | Jun 8, 2020

Donald Trump has completely berserk meltdown about his collapsing poll numbers

By Bill Palmer | Jun 8, 2020

Speaker Nancy Pelosi comes out swinging

By Bill Palmer | Jun 8, 2020

These new Biden-Trump poll numbers are nothing short of stunning

By Bill Palmer | Jun 8, 2020

What we can learn about the fall of Donald Trump from the fall of Adolf Hitler

By Robert Harrington | Jun 8, 2020

Donald Trump’s downward spiral is accelerating

By Shirley Kennedy | Jun 8, 2020

Donald Trump goes berserk after NFL commissioner goes against him

By Bill Palmer | Jun 8, 2020

Oops: Donald Trump suffers bizarre Twitter malfunction involving Black Lives Matter protester

By Bill Palmer | Jun 8, 2020

Donald Trump is currently arguing with an automated Twitter bot – and he’s losing

By Bill Palmer | Jun 8, 2020

Evan McMullin sticks it to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 7, 2020

How Donald Trump goes from here to prison

By Robert Harrington | Jun 7, 2020

Donald Trump has completely delusional meltdown as people run away from him

By Bill Palmer | Jun 7, 2020

Donald Trump’s White House fence just got turned against him

By Bill Palmer | Jun 7, 2020

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Note from Bill Palmer: With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!