Donald Trump’s last hope

By James Sullivan | Jun 27, 2020

Michael Cohen says the Bill Barr scandal is even bigger than we know

By Bill Palmer | Jun 27, 2020

Donald Trump just made a startling admission

By Bill Palmer | Jun 26, 2020

Maxine Waters just obliterated Donald Trump

By Ron Leshnower | Jun 26, 2020

Donald Trump just hit a wall

By Bill Palmer | Jun 26, 2020

Donald Trump’s Roger Stone nightmare just got even uglier for him

By Bill Palmer | Jun 26, 2020

Donald Trump, loser

By Robert Harrington | Jun 26, 2020

Chuck Grassley hits the panic button

By Bill Palmer | Jun 26, 2020

Even Sean Hannity can’t save Donald Trump on this one

By James Sullivan | Jun 26, 2020

Donald Trump tried to invite Putin to G7 summit AFTER he learned Russia was murdering U.S. soldiers

By Bill Palmer | Jun 26, 2020

No wonder Donald Trump abruptly called off his golf resort trip

By Bill Palmer | Jun 26, 2020

The real reason Donald Trump is still going after Obamacare

By Virginia Masters | Jun 26, 2020

Even Dick Cheney has finally had enough of Donald Trump’s crap

By Bill Palmer | Jun 26, 2020

GOP Senators throw up their hands as Donald Trump falls to pieces

By Bill Palmer | Jun 26, 2020

Did Mike Pence really just try to pull that one off?

By Bill Palmer | Jun 26, 2020

Something’s up

By Bill Palmer | Jun 26, 2020

Donald Trump can’t even get this part right

By Ron Leshnower | Jun 26, 2020

Maybe it’s time to rethink the whole thing

By Robert Harrington | Jun 26, 2020

Lindsey Graham is in deep trouble

By Bill Palmer | Jun 26, 2020

Donald Trump, you’re fired!

By Daniel Cotter | Jun 25, 2020

Brad Parscale has a whole new problem

By Bill Palmer | Jun 25, 2020

The Lincoln Project just dropped a house on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 25, 2020

Tucker Carlson hits the panic button as Donald Trump circles the drain

By Bill Palmer | Jun 25, 2020

Donald Trump struggles to walk after going down another ramp

By Bill Palmer | Jun 25, 2020

This is the perfect embodiment for Donald Trump’s entire failed presidency

By Bill Palmer | Jun 25, 2020

Turns out Bill Barr tried to retroactively sabotage the Michael Cohen case too

By Bill Palmer | Jun 25, 2020

Trump versus Reality

By Robert Harrington | Jun 25, 2020

Fox News poll says Donald Trump is now losing multiple red states to Joe Biden

By Bill Palmer | Jun 25, 2020

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Note from Bill Palmer: With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!