Donald Trump goes nuts about Roger Ailes, doesn’t appear to know he’s been dead for three years

By Bill Palmer | Jun 30, 2020

Donald Trump is not well

By Bill Palmer | Jun 30, 2020

Hillary Clinton just demolished Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 30, 2020

Donald Trump and his stooge Ron DeSantis have a whole new problem

By Bill Palmer | Jun 30, 2020

Donald Trump is the enemy of the American people

By Robert Harrington | Jun 30, 2020

No, Donald Trump hasn’t magically stopped Mary Trump’s book from being published

By Bill Palmer | Jun 30, 2020

Money trail confirms Donald Trump’s Russian bounty scandal

By Bill Palmer | Jun 30, 2020

Donald Trump’s no-win dilemma

By James Sullivan | Jun 30, 2020

Everyone piles on after Donald Trump has bizarre “THE LONE WARRIOR” meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Jun 30, 2020

So that was a bunch of crap

By Bill Palmer | Jun 30, 2020

Donald Trump is projecting again, and he’s giving something away

By Robert Harrington | Jun 30, 2020

Michael Cohen: “Remember what I said” about Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 30, 2020

Exposed: Bill Barr’s disturbing role in Donald Trump’s Russian bounty scandal

By Bill Palmer | Jun 29, 2020

It just got even worse

By Bill Palmer | Jun 29, 2020

The real reason Iran issued that arrest warrant against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 29, 2020

Donald Trump is having a really bad night

By Bill Palmer | Jun 29, 2020

Mitch McConnell begins distancing himself from Donald Trump’s sinking ship

By Bill Palmer | Jun 29, 2020

Has Donald Trump finally committed Constitutional treason?

By Robert Harrington | Jun 29, 2020

U.S. intel community just threw the kitchen sink at Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 29, 2020

We knew this one was going to be rough

By TR Kenneth | Jun 29, 2020

Kayleigh McEnany holds disastrous press conference as Donald Trump’s Russia scandal explodes

By Bill Palmer | Jun 29, 2020

Donald Trump has berserk meltdown about the “stupid people” who won’t vote for him

By Bill Palmer | Jun 29, 2020

This is far more sinister than we thought

By Shirley Kennedy | Jun 29, 2020

Even Donald Trump’s beloved Rasmussen poll now says he’s totally hosed

By Bill Palmer | Jun 29, 2020

Vladimir Putin, the man who murdered my neighbor

By Robert Harrington | Jun 29, 2020

Embarrassing: GOP Senators try to coddle Donald Trump like a fragile baby as he falls to pieces

By Bill Palmer | Jun 29, 2020

Veterans drop the hammer on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 28, 2020

Donald Trump just stepped in it

By Bill Palmer | Jun 28, 2020

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Note from Bill Palmer: With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!