No, Kanye West isn’t really running for President

By Bill Palmer | Jul 5, 2020

What John Roberts is really up to

By BD Holly | Jul 5, 2020

President Obama comes out swinging

By Bill Palmer | Jul 5, 2020

Can Donald Trump steal the election?

By Robert Harrington | Jul 5, 2020

Republican National Committee appears to be paying off would-be Donald Trump whistleblower

By Bill Palmer | Jul 5, 2020

What happens after Donald Trump is gone

By BD Holly | Jul 4, 2020

Donald Trump isn’t even trying to win anymore – and that makes him even more dangerous

By Bill Palmer | Jul 4, 2020

Donald Trump slurs and stumbles his way through incoherent Fourth of July speech while struggling to stand

By Bill Palmer | Jul 4, 2020

Donald Trump has completely berserk meltdown as coronavirus closes in on him

By Bill Palmer | Jul 4, 2020

Things just got even uglier for Donald Trump Jr

By Ron Leshnower | Jul 4, 2020

Joe Biden just nailed it

By Bill Palmer | Jul 4, 2020

Get ready for a brutal spike in coronavirus deaths

By Robert Harrington | Jul 4, 2020

This is completely out of control

By Bill Palmer | Jul 4, 2020

Donald Trump Jr’s girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle has coronavirus, and it’s closing in on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jul 3, 2020

Things just turned ugly for Mike Pence

By Bill Palmer | Jul 3, 2020

Even for Donald Trump, this is utterly deranged

By Ron Leshnower | Jul 3, 2020

Mary Trump rips into fraudulent scheming Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jul 3, 2020

It is a shameful, shameful, despicable hour in the history of the American presidency

By Robert Harrington | Jul 3, 2020

So much for Donald Trump’s “enthusiasm” advantage

By Bill Palmer | Jul 3, 2020

Donald Trump just doubled his trouble

By James Sullivan | Jul 3, 2020

Donald Trump runs crying like a baby to Tucker Carlson as it all falls apart for him

By Bill Palmer | Jul 3, 2020

Joe Biden just spanked Donald Trump something fierce

By Shirley Kennedy | Jul 3, 2020

The failing coronavirus strategy

By Robert Harrington | Jul 3, 2020

“Walter Reed” begins trending as everyone piles on about Donald Trump’s collapsing health

By Bill Palmer | Jul 3, 2020

Michael Cohen slam dunks Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jul 3, 2020

James Carville has something to say about Donald Trump’s impending downfall

By Bill Palmer | Jul 3, 2020

Donald Trump has completely whacked out meltdown as coronavirus crisis spirals out of control

By Bill Palmer | Jul 3, 2020

Donald Trump’s brand is falling to pieces

By James Sullivan | Jul 2, 2020

With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!

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Note from Bill Palmer: With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!