The price of free speech

By Robert Harrington | Jul 12, 2020

New York court kicks the race to hand over Donald Trump’s taxes into high gear

By Bill Palmer | Jul 12, 2020

Donald Trump has berserk meltdown after GOP Senators Mitt Romney and Pat Toomey slam him

By Bill Palmer | Jul 11, 2020

Here come the desperate GOP strategies as Donald Trump circles the drain

By James Sullivan | Jul 11, 2020

Donald Trump Jr has apparently made an embarrassing typo on the cover of his new book

By Bill Palmer | Jul 11, 2020

Bill Barr just reached a whole new low

By Daniel Cotter | Jul 11, 2020

Claire McCaskill just destroyed Lindsey Graham

By Bill Palmer | Jul 11, 2020

Mitch McConnell has a whole new problem

By James Sullivan | Jul 11, 2020

“Time to put Roger Stone in the grand jury”

By Bill Palmer | Jul 11, 2020

Donald Trump’s day of reckoning is near

By Shirley Kennedy | Jul 11, 2020

Susan Collins is having a pretty terrible morning

By Bill Palmer | Jul 11, 2020

Mitt Romney goes ballistic about Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jul 11, 2020

Lindsey Graham goes totally off the rails

By Bill Palmer | Jul 11, 2020

Donald Trump is standing in his own way

By Robert Harrington | Jul 11, 2020

Donald Trump’s week from hell just got even more nightmarish for him

By Bill Palmer | Jul 11, 2020

Lindsey Graham has completely insane meltdown about Donald Trump commuting Roger Stone’s sentence

By Bill Palmer | Jul 10, 2020

Legal expert: Donald Trump has “given up on reelection” with Roger Stone commutation

By Bill Palmer | Jul 10, 2020

Roger Stone is still totally screwed

By Bill Palmer | Jul 10, 2020

Donald Trump just decided he cares more about keeping Roger Stone quiet than about winning the election

By Bill Palmer | Jul 10, 2020

Another rat jumps off Donald Trump’s sinking ship

By Bill Palmer | Jul 10, 2020

The Trial of Donald J. Trump

By Robert Harrington | Jul 10, 2020

Roger Stone just made Donald Trump’s life a lot more difficult

By Bill Palmer | Jul 10, 2020

Judge Sullivan just scored a big victory over Michael Flynn and Bill Barr

By Bill Palmer | Jul 10, 2020

Donald Trump’s Sharpie scandal just got even uglier for him

By Ron Leshnower | Jul 10, 2020

The real reason Donald Trump just called off his New Hampshire rally

By Bill Palmer | Jul 10, 2020

Donald Trump’s kids are in big trouble

By TR Kenneth | Jul 10, 2020

This is a disaster

By Robert Harrington | Jul 10, 2020

Hey Donald Trump, say goodbye to Trump Tower!

By Bill Palmer | Jul 10, 2020

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Note from Bill Palmer: With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!