Donald Trump has humiliatingly idiotic meltdown about “Obama and his team of lowlifes”

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2020

This is just plain disastrous for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2020

Dora The Explorer slam dunks Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2020

Nikki Haley totally jumps the shark

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2020

Donald Trump’s stooge Kayleigh McEnany goes dishonestly berserk about Paw Patrol cartoon

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2020

This is alarming

By Robert Harrington | Jul 24, 2020

Donald Trump has senile meltdown about Senator Jim Inhofe

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2020

This is insane even for Trump

By James Sullivan | Jul 24, 2020

It’s all slipping away from him

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2020

Oregon strikes back at Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2020

This is utterly deranged

By Bill Palmer | Jul 23, 2020

The idiot just couldn’t leave Liz Cheney alone

By Bill Palmer | Jul 23, 2020

Now you can add kidnapping to Donald Trump’s rap sheet

By Robert Harrington | Jul 23, 2020

Fox News just delivered devastating news for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jul 23, 2020

Well that just blew up in Bill Barr’s face

By Bill Palmer | Jul 23, 2020

Susan Collins circles the drain

By James Sullivan | Jul 23, 2020

Donald Trump holds bizarre stunt with Mariano Rivera, then he cancels Republican convention Jacksonville

By Bill Palmer | Jul 23, 2020

Everyone piles on after Donald Trump’s insane remark about “housewives”

By Bill Palmer | Jul 23, 2020

Donald Trump goes berserk after President Obama and Joe Biden team up to take him down

By Bill Palmer | Jul 23, 2020

Federal judge frees Michael Cohen from prison – and Bill Barr has a big problem

By Bill Palmer | Jul 23, 2020

Donald Trump goes berserk after Republican Tom Ridge condemns him

By Bill Palmer | Jul 23, 2020

Donald Trump goes on completely unhinged fifty-tweet tirade as it all falls apart for him

By Bill Palmer | Jul 23, 2020

Meet the new Trump, same as the old Trump

By Shirley Kennedy | Jul 23, 2020

Donald Trump is in bigger trouble than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Jul 23, 2020

General Wesley Clark slam dunks Trump regime

By Bill Palmer | Jul 22, 2020

Chuck Todd jumps the shark

By Bill Palmer | Jul 22, 2020

Coronavirus hits Trump White House cafeteria

By Bill Palmer | Jul 22, 2020

Donald Trump has berserk meltdown about his cognitive test

By Bill Palmer | Jul 22, 2020

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Note from Bill Palmer: With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!