The real deal with Joe Biden’s VP pick

By Bill Palmer | Jul 28, 2020

Bill Barr may have just gotten himself nailed for perjury

By Bill Palmer | Jul 28, 2020

Bill Barr is rattled

By Bill Palmer | Jul 28, 2020

Yet another reason Donald Trump has to go

By Robert Harrington | Jul 28, 2020

Bill Barr isn’t very good at this whole testimony thing

By Bill Palmer | Jul 28, 2020

Twitter removes multiple Donald Trump tweets

By Bill Palmer | Jul 28, 2020

Donald Trump Jr suspended from Twitter

By Bill Palmer | Jul 28, 2020

Donald Trump and his goons are flaming out in real time

By Shirley Kennedy | Jul 28, 2020

Turns out Donald Trump was lying about throwing out the New York Yankees first pitch

By Bill Palmer | Jul 28, 2020

The only thing that really matters about Bill Barr’s testimony today

By Bill Palmer | Jul 28, 2020

Donald Trump just got destroyed for his “illegal” tweet

By Bill Palmer | Jul 27, 2020

Bill Barr goes completely berserk the night before his House testimony

By Bill Palmer | Jul 27, 2020

Donald Trump goes completely berserk as it all goes wrong for him

By Bill Palmer | Jul 27, 2020

Bad news for Lindsey Graham

By Bill Palmer | Jul 27, 2020


By Bill Palmer | Jul 27, 2020

This is idiotic even for Donald Trump

By James Sullivan | Jul 27, 2020

Everyone piles on as Melania Trump’s Rose Garden stunt goes off the rails

By Bill Palmer | Jul 27, 2020

Donald Trump has berserk meltdown about Twitter’s trending topics

By Bill Palmer | Jul 27, 2020

Coronavirus creeps closer to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jul 27, 2020

Donald Trump’s stooge Tom Cotton goes completely off the rails

By Daniel Cotter | Jul 27, 2020

Baseball’s Miami Marlins just caused a huge problem for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jul 27, 2020

They just don’t like you, Donald Trump

By Robert Harrington | Jul 27, 2020

Good news for Joe Biden

By Bill Palmer | Jul 27, 2020

This is a well deserved slap in Donald Trump’s face

By Shirley Kennedy | Jul 27, 2020

The double digit fight of our lives

By Bill Palmer | Jul 27, 2020

This is a joke

By Bill Palmer | Jul 26, 2020

Donald Trump’s parade just got rained on

By Bill Palmer | Jul 26, 2020

Donald Trump goes totally bonkers as key swing states slip away from him

By Bill Palmer | Jul 26, 2020

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Note from Bill Palmer: With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!