Why GOP Senator Ben Sasse did what he just did to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Aug 9, 2020

Donald Trump just gave something away

By Bill Palmer | Aug 8, 2020

Donald Trump just blew it with mega donor Sheldon Adelson

By Bill Palmer | Aug 8, 2020

Donald Trump’s electoral college disaster

By Robert Harrington | Aug 8, 2020

Donald Trump walks out on his own press conference after reporter calls him out for lying

By Bill Palmer | Aug 8, 2020

Joe Biden just played Fox News stooge Steve Doocy like a fiddle

By Bill Palmer | Aug 8, 2020

So much for Donald Trump’s new campaign manager

By Bill Palmer | Aug 8, 2020

Kanye West’s plot to help Donald Trump is falling apart already

By James Sullivan | Aug 8, 2020

Donald Trump would like to have this tweet back

By Bill Palmer | Aug 8, 2020

Donald Trump is shrinking before our eyes

By Bill Palmer | Aug 8, 2020

Military General rips Donald Trump a new one

By Bill Palmer | Aug 8, 2020

Donald Trump’s legal troubles just got even worse for him

By Ron Leshnower | Aug 7, 2020

Kanye West removed from state ballot

By Bill Palmer | Aug 7, 2020

Jeffrey Epstein’s plea deal is unraveling in court – and his co-conspirators should be worried

By Bill Palmer | Aug 7, 2020

Donald Trump’s incoherent new Obamacare – Affordable Care Act stunt is whacked out even for him

By Bill Palmer | Aug 7, 2020

Everyone who watched Donald Trump’s insane Bedminster press conference is now dumber for having watched it

By Bill Palmer | Aug 7, 2020

Things just got even uglier for Donald Trump’s stooge Jerry Falwell Jr and Liberty University

By James Sullivan | Aug 7, 2020

Donald Trump is apparently holding a “press briefing” in a room full of drunk members of his own golf resort

By Bill Palmer | Aug 7, 2020

Here comes Donald Trump’s disastrous press conference for the ages

By Bill Palmer | Aug 7, 2020

The real reason Donald Trump just tanked the stimulus negotiations with Pelosi and Schumer

By Bill Palmer | Aug 7, 2020

Exposed: Kanye West’s ballot petition in Wisconsin contains multiple forgeries

By Bill Palmer | Aug 7, 2020

Donald Trump is proof that you can go to Wharton and still be illiterate

By Bill Palmer | Aug 7, 2020

Why it’s such a big deal that the courts just ruled against Donald Trump and Don McGahn

By Bill Palmer | Aug 7, 2020

Here’s the thing…

By Bill Palmer | Aug 7, 2020

This is bizarre

By James Sullivan | Aug 7, 2020

Donald Trump is circling the drain – and he’s taking the GOP with him

By Shirley Kennedy | Aug 7, 2020

This is just plain ugly for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Aug 7, 2020

New York is going to criminally indict Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Aug 7, 2020

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Note from Bill Palmer: With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!