This is completely out of hand

By Bill Palmer | Aug 11, 2020

Donald Trump just made a total mess for himself with the New York grand jury that’s targeting him for indictment

By Bill Palmer | Aug 11, 2020

We told you Nancy Pelosi had the upper hand

By Bill Palmer | Aug 10, 2020

Donald Trump goes off the Gettysburg deep end

By Daniel Cotter | Aug 10, 2020

Ted Cruz goes completely bonkers

By Bill Palmer | Aug 10, 2020

Nikki Haley goes berserk about her lost package, gives something away in the process

By Bill Palmer | Aug 10, 2020

About that private flight today from South Bend to Delaware…

By Bill Palmer | Aug 10, 2020

Shooting takes place outside White House during Donald Trump’s press briefing

By Bill Palmer | Aug 10, 2020

We’re playing right into Donald Trump’s hands with this USPS Post Office thing

By Bill Palmer | Aug 10, 2020

Donald Trump’s feud with GOP Senator Ben Sasse boils over

By Daniel Cotter | Aug 10, 2020

Carl Bernstein has something to say about Donald Trump’s downfall

By Robert Harrington | Aug 10, 2020

Art of the Con

By Shirley Kennedy | Aug 10, 2020


By Bill Palmer | Aug 10, 2020

Something is very wrong here

By TR Kenneth | Aug 9, 2020

Donald Trump has completely insane meltdown about Mount Rushmore

By Bill Palmer | Aug 9, 2020

Donald Trump goes totally berserk about Anthony Scaramucci of all people

By Bill Palmer | Aug 9, 2020

Looks like Donald Trump just got the college football season canceled

By Bill Palmer | Aug 9, 2020

The latest narrative about how Donald Trump is going to magically win

By Bill Palmer | Aug 9, 2020

Mike Pence goes completely off the rails

By BD Holly | Aug 9, 2020

Rudy Giuliani just got destroyed

By Bill Palmer | Aug 9, 2020

The real trouble with Donald Trump’s misuse of words and symbols

By Robert Harrington | Aug 9, 2020

Donald Trump’s National Security Advisor is even more of a joke than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Aug 9, 2020

New York’s criminal investigation into Donald Trump broadens

By BD Holly | Aug 9, 2020

Stop taking Donald Trump’s bait

By Bill Palmer | Aug 9, 2020

Donald Trump has found a whole new way to sell out America

By Ron Leshnower | Aug 9, 2020

Donald Trump is at it again

By Shirley Kennedy | Aug 9, 2020

Donald Trump’s new executive orders don’t stand a chance – and that’s probably the entire point

By Bill Palmer | Aug 9, 2020

Donald Trump really is trying to lose

By Bill Palmer | Aug 9, 2020

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Note from Bill Palmer: With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!