Donald Trump’s Postmaster General Louis DeJoy just caved

By Bill Palmer | Aug 17, 2020

Here’s the thing about that infamous new CNN poll

By Bill Palmer | Aug 17, 2020

Donald Trump is out of ideas, out of gas, and he’s got nowhere to go

By Shirley Kennedy | Aug 17, 2020

Donald Trump just got bulldozed

By Bill Palmer | Aug 17, 2020

Here’s thing about this John Boehner – Jeff Flake – Joe Biden storyline

By Bill Palmer | Aug 17, 2020

Donald Trump’s last gasp

By Bill Palmer | Aug 17, 2020

Donald Trump’s game of chicken is about to blow up in his face

By BD Holly | Aug 16, 2020

Ben Carson and the MyPillow guy have cooked up a phony new coronavirus cure – and Donald Trump is buying it

By Bill Palmer | Aug 16, 2020

Everyone piles on after Melania Trump snubs Donald Trump in front of the cameras

By Bill Palmer | Aug 16, 2020

This is backfiring on Donald Trump already

By James Sullivan | Aug 16, 2020

Former Republican Congressman to endorse Joe Biden tomorrow [UPDATED]

By Bill Palmer | Aug 16, 2020

The dirt about Donald Trump in Michael Cohen’s book is even uglier than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Aug 16, 2020

Donald Trump’s legal troubles in New York just got even uglier for him

By BD Holly | Aug 16, 2020

Donald Trump loses the upper hand in Post Office battle

By Bill Palmer | Aug 16, 2020

The real reason Steve Bannon has suddenly resurfaced

By Bill Palmer | Aug 16, 2020

Yes, it really is this bad

By Daniel Cotter | Aug 16, 2020

The battle over Donald Trump’s DNA is only one of his problems this week

By Robert Harrington | Aug 16, 2020

This is beyond the pale

By Bill Palmer | Aug 16, 2020

Robert Trump dies as his sociopathic brother Donald Trump goes golfing with former football player

By Bill Palmer | Aug 15, 2020

It’s long past time for this

By James Sullivan | Aug 15, 2020

Total chaos erupts as Donald Trump’s Post Office sabotage scheme goes awry

By Bill Palmer | Aug 15, 2020

Donald Trump has an even bigger Michael Cohen problem than he thought

By Bill Palmer | Aug 15, 2020

Donald Trump’s briefing debacle just got even uglier

By Ron Leshnower | Aug 15, 2020

Donald Trump just gave away his gameplan for when he loses

By Bill Palmer | Aug 15, 2020

The problem is more than Trump

By Robert Harrington | Aug 15, 2020

Here’s how Donald Trump and all of his goons end up in prison

By Bill Palmer | Aug 15, 2020

House Republicans are turning on each other as Donald Trump circles the drain

By James Sullivan | Aug 15, 2020

Dr. Fauci comes out swinging

By Daniel Cotter | Aug 15, 2020

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Note from Bill Palmer: With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!