Donald Trump Jr has completely bonkers freak-out on live national television

By Bill Palmer | Sep 3, 2020

Joe Biden just scored big-time

By James Sullivan | Sep 3, 2020

Everyone piles on after Ted Cruz goes completely off the rails

By Bill Palmer | Sep 3, 2020

Donald Trump has psychotic meltdown after Fox News suggests it’s all slipping away from him

By Bill Palmer | Sep 3, 2020


By Bill Palmer | Sep 3, 2020

Donald Trump has no idea what he’s doing and he’s running out of time

By Bill Palmer | Sep 3, 2020

Andrew Cuomo unloads on Donald Trump in devastating fashion

By Bill Palmer | Sep 3, 2020

Donald Trump posts utterly bizarre tweet about former Trump supporters

By Bill Palmer | Sep 2, 2020

So much for Donald Trump’s big bounce

By Bill Palmer | Sep 2, 2020

Donald Trump appears to slip up and admit he’s taking “enhancement” drugs

By Bill Palmer | Sep 2, 2020

How Donald Trump lost Kenosha

By Bill Palmer | Sep 2, 2020

Donald Trump’s “ramp-gate” scandal just got even uglier

By Bill Palmer | Sep 2, 2020

Bill Barr swings and misses yet again

By Bill Palmer | Sep 2, 2020

Donald Trump has complete meltdown after Joe Biden’s press conference steals his thunder

By Bill Palmer | Sep 2, 2020

Donald Trump Jr just stepped in it

By Bill Palmer | Sep 2, 2020

Joe Biden just reminded us why he’s winning

By Bill Palmer | Sep 2, 2020

Jared Kushner gets slam dunked

By Shirley Kennedy | Sep 2, 2020

“Anything to win”

By Robert Harrington | Sep 2, 2020

Better late than never

By Bill Palmer | Sep 2, 2020

Mike Pence melts down as Donald Trump’s stroke coverup scandal gets even uglier

By Bill Palmer | Sep 1, 2020

Donald Trump has berserk late night meltdown about his alleged stroke, can’t keep his story straight

By Bill Palmer | Sep 1, 2020

Exposed: Melania Trump is just as much of a psychotic monster as Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Sep 1, 2020

Donald Trump’s pal Elliott Broidy is about to get indicted, considers flipping on Trump and GOP

By Bill Palmer | Sep 1, 2020

Rachel Maddow reveals just how many people in Trump’s orbit are being taken down by Michael Cohen

By Bill Palmer | Sep 1, 2020

Donald Trump’s alleged stroke could turn the entire 2020 election upside down

By Bill Palmer | Sep 1, 2020

Donald Trump’s Peter Principle

By Robert Harrington | Sep 1, 2020

Donald Trump goes completely berserk after Drudge Report reports on his alleged stroke

By Bill Palmer | Sep 1, 2020

Donald Trump’s stooge Susan Collins goes completely off the rails

By Bill Palmer | Sep 1, 2020

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Note from Bill Palmer: With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!