What now, Donald Trump?

By Shirley Kennedy | Sep 14, 2020

Even Drudge Report now agrees that Donald Trump is facing prison

By Bill Palmer | Sep 14, 2020

Donald Trump’s worst nightmare is coming true

By Bill Palmer | Sep 14, 2020

Governor of Nevada rips Donald Trump to pieces

By Bill Palmer | Sep 13, 2020

Donald Trump’s “Bay of Pigs” meltdown is idiotic even for him

By Bill Palmer | Sep 13, 2020

RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel just gave away how much trouble Donald Trump is in

By Bill Palmer | Sep 13, 2020

Donald Trump goes berserk after Mike Bloomberg begins spending big to defeat him

By Bill Palmer | Sep 13, 2020

The real reason Mike Bloomberg is spending $100 million in Florida for Joe Biden

By Bill Palmer | Sep 13, 2020

Donald Trump goes completely berserk after realizing Joe Biden is beating him on TV ads

By Bill Palmer | Sep 13, 2020

Donald Trump confesses to taking drugs

By Robert Harrington | Sep 13, 2020

The real reason Donald Trump is doubling down on Nevada of all places

By Bill Palmer | Sep 13, 2020

Donald Trump has berserk late night meltdown as it all slips away from him

By Bill Palmer | Sep 13, 2020

Lindsey Graham gives away just how rattled he is

By Bill Palmer | Sep 12, 2020

Ted Lieu drops the hammer on Bill Barr

By Bill Palmer | Sep 12, 2020

Donald Trump’s campaign may be even more broke than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Sep 12, 2020

Here’s just how unpopular Donald Trump has become

By Ron Leshnower | Sep 12, 2020

Roger Stone just gave something away about Donald Trump’s 2020 election antics

By Bill Palmer | Sep 12, 2020

Donald Trump completely loses the plot

By Bill Palmer | Sep 12, 2020

Things are about to get a lot harder for Donald Trump

By James Sullivan | Sep 12, 2020

Rudy Giuliani goes completely berserk on live national television as the walls cave in on him

By Bill Palmer | Sep 12, 2020

And still he does nothing

By Robert Harrington | Sep 12, 2020

Bill Barr just got his butt kicked

By Bill Palmer | Sep 12, 2020

Here come Donald Trump and the Russians again

By James Sullivan | Sep 11, 2020

The real reason Donald Trump is skipping out on debate prep

By Bill Palmer | Sep 11, 2020

Now that he’s been nailed, Rudy Giuliani WANTS us to believe he’s senile

By Bill Palmer | Sep 11, 2020

Judge delivers major blow to Michael Flynn and Bill Barr

By Bill Palmer | Sep 11, 2020

Did Donald Trump just confess he’s abusing drugs to cover his cognitive decline?

By Bill Palmer | Sep 11, 2020

Bill Barr’s Durham stunt unravels as key prosecutor resigns

By Bill Palmer | Sep 11, 2020

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Note from Bill Palmer: With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!