Lindsey Graham has a whole new problem tonight

By Bill Palmer | Sep 28, 2020

Donald Trump’s flat broke campaign cancels TV ads in even more swing states

By Bill Palmer | Sep 28, 2020

This is a grim milestone

By Robert Harrington | Sep 28, 2020

Video footage of Brad Parscale’s arrest

By Bill Palmer | Sep 28, 2020


By Bill Palmer | Sep 28, 2020

Donald Trump’s Brad Parscale scandal just got even uglier

By Bill Palmer | Sep 28, 2020

Donald Trump’s Cambridge Analytica scandal just exploded

By Bill Palmer | Sep 28, 2020

Donald Trump goes berserk after his tax returns show he’s a criminal and he’s broke

By Bill Palmer | Sep 28, 2020

Get your popcorn ready

By Shirley Kennedy | Sep 28, 2020

Things just got a whole lot stranger

By Bill Palmer | Sep 28, 2020

Donald Trump has whacked out late night meltdown as it all goes wrong for him

By Bill Palmer | Sep 28, 2020

Michael Cohen piles on as Donald Trump’s bad day gets even worse

By Bill Palmer | Sep 28, 2020

Ivanka Trump is in deep trouble over Donald Trump’s tax returns

By Bill Palmer | Sep 28, 2020

Joe Biden just went there

By BD Holly | Sep 27, 2020

No wonder Donald Trump started threatening to refuse to leave office

By Bill Palmer | Sep 27, 2020

Lindsey Graham is broke and busted

By Bill Palmer | Sep 27, 2020

Donald Trump aide Brad Parscale hospitalized after barricading himself in his house, threatening suicide

By Bill Palmer | Sep 27, 2020

Donald Trump goes on jealous rant as Mike Bloomberg helps nail down Florida for Joe Biden

By Bill Palmer | Sep 27, 2020

Donald Trump is broke and facing criminal charges

By Bill Palmer | Sep 27, 2020

Donald Trump has complete meltdown on live national television after his tax returns surface

By Bill Palmer | Sep 27, 2020

Donald Trump’s tax returns just surfaced, and wow is he in trouble

By Bill Palmer | Sep 27, 2020

Bill Barr just struck out big time

By Bill Palmer | Sep 27, 2020

Donald Trump has complete meltdown about Joe Biden, gives something away

By Bill Palmer | Sep 27, 2020

Fifty-seven percent

By BD Holly | Sep 27, 2020

Amy Coney Barrett is a deranged freak show of an extremist

By Bill Palmer | Sep 27, 2020

Donald Trump’s stooge Marco Rubio just got destroyed

By Bill Palmer | Sep 26, 2020

Donald Trump’s executive order goes completely off the rails

By Ron Leshnower | Sep 26, 2020

What’s going on with Donald Trump’s health now?

By Bill Palmer | Sep 26, 2020

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Note from Bill Palmer: With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!